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The Rubens morph of Formica exsecta Nylander, 1846 and its separation from Formica fennica Seifert, 2000 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-29 , DOI: 10.3897/dez.66.34868
Bernhard Seifert

A study of numeric morphology-based alpha-taxonomy (NUMOBAT) considering the species Formica exsecta Nylander, 1846 and F. fennica Seifert, 2000 was performed in 166 nest samples with 485 worker individuals originating from 117 localities of the Palaearctic west of 59°E. The presence of intraspecific pilosity dimorphism is shown for F. exsecta. The setae-reduced phenotype, termed the Rubens morph, shows a frequency of about 25%, and the more abundant setae-rich phenotype, termed the Normal morph, one of 75%. The frequency of nests containing workers of both phenotypes is 15.5% in 58 samples from Denmark, Sweden, and Finland. Applying the DIMORPH test of Seifert (2016) on this territory, it is demonstrated that the association of Rubens and Normal phenotypes within the same nest cannot be interpreted as parabiosis of independent species (p=0.017) or as temporary (p=0.0004) and permanent (p=0.0001) socially parasitic association, whereas genetically mediated intraspecific dimorphism is most likely (p=0.659, all p data according to Fisher’s exact test). The Rubens morph of F. exsecta is phenotypically most similar to F. fennica but is safely separable by four different forms of exploratory data analyses using nest centroids (NC) as input data: NC-Ward, NC-part. hclust, NC-part.kmeans, and NC-NMDS-k-means. Data on zoogeography and the narrow climate niche indicate that F. fennica is unlikely to occur in Norway.


Formica exsecta Nylander 的鲁本斯形态,1846 年及其与 Formica fennica Seifert,2000 年的分离(膜翅目,蚁科)

考虑到 Formica exsecta Nylander,1846 年和 F. fennica Seifert,2000 年的基于数值形态学的 alpha 分类法 (NUMOBAT) 的研究在来自 59°E 以西的古北界的 117 个地点的 485 个工人个体的 166 个巢样本中进行. F. exsecta 显示了种内毛发二态性的存在。刚毛减少的表型,称为鲁本斯变形,显示出约 25% 的频率,而更丰富的富含刚毛的表型,称为正常变形,是 75% 之一。在来自丹麦、瑞典和芬兰的 58 个样本中,包含两种表型工人的巢穴的频率为 15.5%。在该领土上应用 Seifert (2016) 的 DIMORPH 测试,表明同一巢内鲁本斯和正常表型的关联不能解释为独立物种的共生关系 (p=0. 017) 或作为临时 (p=0.0004) 和永久 (p=0.0001) 社会寄生关联,而遗传介导的种内二态性最有可能(p=0.659,所有 p 数据均根据 Fisher 精确检验)。F. exsecta 的鲁本斯变种在表型上与 F. fennica 最相似,但可以通过使用巢质心 (NC) 作为输入数据的四种不同形式的探索性数据分析安全地分离:NC-Ward、NC-part。hclust、NC-part.kmeans 和 NC-NMDS-k-means。动物地理学数据和狭窄的气候生态位表明,F. fennica 不太可能在挪威出现。fennica,但可以通过使用嵌套质心 (NC) 作为输入数据的四种不同形式的探索性数据分析安全地分离:NC-Ward、NC-part。hclust、NC-part.kmeans 和 NC-NMDS-k-means。动物地理学数据和狭窄的气候生态位表明,F. fennica 不太可能在挪威出现。fennica,但可以通过使用嵌套质心 (NC) 作为输入数据的四种不同形式的探索性数据分析安全地分离:NC-Ward、NC-part。hclust、NC-part.kmeans 和 NC-NMDS-k-means。动物地理学数据和狭窄的气候生态位表明,F. fennica 不太可能在挪威出现。