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Forging an Empire: The Borders of the Land of Karkemiš According to the Treaty between Šuppiluliuma and Šattiwaza
Tel Aviv Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/03344355.2020.1820021
Yoram Cohen 1 , Eduardo Torrecilla 1

The article analyses the border descriptions of the land of Karkemis according to the treaty between Suppiluliuma and Sattiwaza (CTH 51). We argue that the toponyms that establish the boundaries of Hanigalbat and Karkemis in the treaty were excluvisely on the east bank of the Euphrates; this is contrary to what is usually proposed by scholarship, which locates some of the toponyms on the west bank of the river. Thus, the territory of Karkemis significantly expanded beyond the Euphrates after the establishment of Hanigalbat, while the east bank was subsequently controlled by Suppiluliuma’s son, Piyassili. Pushing the borders beyond the natural limits of the river was groundbreaking, albeit eventually an unfeasible enterprise.


建立一个帝国:根据Šuppiluliuma 和Šattiwaza 之间的条约,Karkemiš 土地的边界

文章根据 Suppiluliuma 和 Sattiwaza 之间的条约(CTH 51)分析了 Karkemis 土地的边界描述。我们认为,在条约中确定 Hanigalbat 和 Karkemis 边界的地名专门位于幼发拉底河东岸;这与学术界通常提出的建议相反,后者将一些地名定位在河西岸。因此,在汉尼加尔巴特建立后,卡尔克米斯的领土显着扩展到幼发拉底河以外,而东岸随后由苏皮卢利乌玛的儿子皮亚西里控制。将边界推到河流的自然界限之外是开创性的,尽管最终是一项不可行的事业。