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Individual and spatial dimensions of women’s fear of crime: a Scandinavian study case
International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice Pub Date : 2020-01-27 , DOI: 10.1080/01924036.2020.1719531
Anna Yates 1 , Vania Ceccato 2

ABSTRACT Using insights from criminology and urban geography, this article seeks to investigate individual and spatial dimensions of women’s fear of crime, in particular amongst women who declare to feel the most unsafe. This study is based on three waves of data of the Stockholm Safety Survey using exploratory data analysis and binary logistic regression. Informed by an intersectional framework, the study shows how individual attributes including gender, age, and previous victimisation affect women’s perception of safety. Modelling results indicate how the neighbourhood context affects women’s behaviour in face of fear (functional and dysfunctional fear). Among the most fearful women, poor social contacts in their neighbourhood, rather than fear of crime itself, lead to place avoidance.



摘要 本文利用犯罪学和城市地理学的见解,试图调查女性对犯罪的恐惧的个人和空间维度,尤其是那些声称感到最不安全的女性。本研究基于斯德哥尔摩安全调查的三波数据,使用探索性数据分析和二元逻辑回归。该研究以交叉框架为依据,展示了包括性别、年龄和先前受害经历在内的个人属性如何影响女性对安全的看法。建模结果表明邻里环境如何影响女性面对恐惧(功能性和功能性恐惧)的行为。在最可怕的女性中,与邻里不良的社会交往,而不是对犯罪本身的恐惧,会导致回避。