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Typology of skybridges in Asia
Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-25 , DOI: 10.1080/13467581.2021.1941986
Daegeon Lee 1 , Changbae Park 1


With the rapid development of high-density urban areas and the construction of high-rise complexes, the number of skybridges has increased during the last 20 years. While skybridges in high-rise building complexes have been attracting considerable attention, a few studies have been conducted on state-of-the-art skybridges, but not enough typological research on skybridges has been made based on actual cases. In this study, the typological difference among skybridges sharing common properties was verified using a statistical method based on the cases of skybridges in Asia. The completion year, length, width, and relative elevation of skybridges were used for the statistical analysis. Based on the results, six skybridge types, i.e., open circulation, open sky park, open programmatic, enclosed rooftop programmatic, enclosed circulation, and enclosed programmatic, and their characteristics were derived and described by a three-dimensional plot. This study provides a comprehensive understanding of skybridges, and it can be used as a reference material for researchers to understand how high-rise complexes with skybridges will evolve and change their urban environment. It will also help architects to design skybridges and communicate with clients and the public on their value.




随着高密度城市地区的快速发展和高层建筑群的建设,天桥的数量在过去 20 年中有所增加。虽然高层建筑群中的天桥引起了相当大的关注,但对最先进的天桥进行了一些研究,但基于实际案例对天桥的类型学研究还不够。在这项研究中,基于亚洲天桥的案例,使用统计方法验证了具有共同属性的天桥之间的类型差异。天桥的建成年份、长度、宽度和相对高程用于统计分析。根据结果​​,六种天桥类型,即开放循环、开放天空公园、开放规划、封闭屋顶规划、封闭循环、和封闭的程序,它们的特征是由一个三维图得出和描述的。这项研究提供了对天桥的全面了解,它可以作为研究人员了解带有天桥的高层建筑群将如何演变和改变其城市环境的参考资料。它还将帮助建筑师设计天桥并与客户和公众就其价值进行沟通。
