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Recommending Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis Methods with A New Taxonomy-based Decision Support System
arXiv - CS - Other Computer Science Pub Date : 2021-06-08 , DOI: arxiv-2106.07378
Marco Cinelli, Miłosz Kadziński, Grzegorz Miebs, Michael Gonzalez, Roman Słowiński

We present the Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis Methods Selection Software (MCDA-MSS). This decision support system helps analysts answering a recurring question in decision science: Which is the most suitable Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis method (or a subset of MCDA methods) that should be used for a given Decision-Making Problem (DMP)?. The MCDA-MSS includes guidance to lead decision-making processes and choose among an extensive collection (over 200) of MCDA methods. These are assessed according to an original comprehensive set of problem characteristics. The accounted features concern problem formulation, preference elicitation and types of preference information, desired features of a preference model, and construction of the decision recommendation. The applicability of the MCDA-MSS has been tested on several case studies. The MCDA-MSS includes the capabilities of (i) covering from very simple to very complex DMPs, (ii) offering recommendations for DMPs that do not match any method from the collection, (iii) helping analysts prioritize efforts for reducing gaps in the description of the DMPs, and (iv) unveiling methodological mistakes that occur in the selection of the methods. A community-wide initiative involving experts in MCDA methodology, analysts using these methods, and decision-makers receiving decision recommendations will contribute to expansion of the MCDA-MSS.



我们介绍了多标准决策分析方法选择软件 (MCDA-MSS)。该决策支持系统可帮助分析师回答决策科学中反复出现的问题:对于给定的决策问题 (DMP),应使用哪种最合适的多标准决策分析方法(或 MCDA 方法的子集)?MCDA-MSS 包括引导决策过程和在广泛的 MCDA 方法集合(超过 200 种)中进行选择的指南。这些是根据一组原始的综合问题特征进行评估的。考虑的特征涉及问题制定、偏好引出和偏好信息的类型、偏好模型的期望特征以及决策推荐的构建。MCDA-MSS 的适用性已经在几个案例研究中进行了测试。MCDA-MSS 包括以下功能:(i) 涵盖从非常简单到非常复杂的 DMP,(ii) 为与集合中任何方法都不匹配的 DMP 提供建议,(iii) 帮助分析人员确定减少描述差距的工作的优先级DMP,以及 (iv) 揭示在选择方法时出现的方法错误。一项涉及 MCDA 方法专家、使用这些方法的分析人员以及接收决策建议的决策者的社区范围的倡议将有助于扩大 MCDA-MSS。(iv) 揭露在选择方法时出现的方法错误。一项涉及 MCDA 方法专家、使用这些方法的分析人员以及接收决策建议的决策者的社区范围的倡议将有助于扩大 MCDA-MSS。(iv) 揭露在选择方法时出现的方法错误。一项涉及 MCDA 方法专家、使用这些方法的分析师和接收决策建议的决策者的社区范围的倡议将有助于扩大 MCDA-MSS。