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Species-specific landscape characterisation method in agro-ecosystems
Ecological Indicators ( IF 6.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.107894
Łukasz Mikołajczyk , Ryszard Laskowski , Elżbieta Ziółkowska , Agnieszka J. Bednarska

The landscape structure of an agro-ecosystem can directly influence its biodiversity. In order to better understand the ongoing worldwide biodiversity collapse, a comprehensive landscape characterisation method is indispensable. In this paper we propose a robust and universal methodological approach to describe agricultural landscape properties tailored for the species of interest. In the proposed method we advocate for using species-specific classes of landscape elements and proper spatial scale reflecting the species home range. As a result, complex landscape description is reduced to relatively few main landscape shaping factors that can serve as landscape metavariables in any further analysis of choice. As a working example, we used a non-metric multidimensional scaling-based method to evaluate how the landscape-level spatial properties of two distinct agricultural landscapes – dominated either by large-scale industrial agriculture or by traditional small-scale farming – shape the environment available to the red mason bee (Osmia bicornis) at different spatial scales. The results for the landscapes studied herein suggest that for pollinators with a home range radius above ca. 100 m, not only local habitat counts but also large-scale landscape properties are of prime importance. This means that for a successful management of biodiversity of such species, large-scale landscape structure must be considered.



农业生态系统的景观结构可以直接影响其生物多样性。为了更好地了解正在进行的全球生物多样性崩溃,一个综合的景观表征方法是必不可少的。在本文中,我们提出了一种稳健且通用的方法论方法来描述为感兴趣的物种量身定制的农业景观特性。在所提出的方法中,我们提倡使用特定于物种的景观元素类别和反映物种家园范围的适当空间尺度。因此,复杂的景观描述被简化为相对较少的主要景观塑造因素,这些因素可以在任何进一步的选择分析中作为景观元变量。作为一个工作示例,Osmia bicornis)在不同的空间尺度。此处研究的景观结果表明,对于家庭范围半径高于约的传粉媒介。100 m,不仅是当地的栖息地数量,而且大规模的景观特性也是最重要的。这意味着为了成功管理此类物种的生物多样性,必须考虑大规模的景观结构。
