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Focal palatitis (previously Focal Palatine Erosions) in cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus)
Frontiers in Veterinary Science ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-15 , DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2021.682150
Gerhard Steenkamp 1, 2, 3 , Sonja C Boy 4, 5 , Paul J van Staden 6 , Marthán N Bester 1

Focal palatine erosion (FPE) is a misleading term that is used in the literature to describe inflammatory lesions associated with depressions of the palatal mucosa in cheetah. Cheetahs have large cheek teeth and these depressions are formed to accommodate them. Previously FPE was only described as a mandibular molar malocclusion on the hard palate due to suspected rotation and super eruption of the mandibular molar of cheetahs aged 18 months and older. Two hundred and fifty six cheetahs (135 male, 121 female), originating from two independent facilities, had their oral cavities evaluated as part of an annual health visit over a decade. Ninety-nine cheetahs were seen once, 59 cheetahs were seen twice, 33 were seen three times, 43 on four occasions, 16 on five occasions, 5 on six occasions, and 1 cheetah was seen seven times. Apart from these clinical cases a prospective study on 5 cheetah cubs (3 male and 2 female) was conducted to document their skull development and mandibular molar eruption over a period of 25 months. Of the 261 cheetahs observed none developed rotation or super eruption of their mandibular molar teeth. The term FPE is a misnomer as these inflammatory lesions were found in palatal depressions opposing any of the cusps of all of the cheetah mandibular cheek teeth. It consisted mainly of deep ulcerations, inflammation and oedema and also micro abscess formation. In severe cases oro-nasal fistulas were present. Of all the depressions present on the cheetah’s palate, the large one palatal to the 4th maxillary premolar was most commonly affected. In the five cubs evaluated prospectively, focal palatitis was evident from the 7 month evaluation, before all the permanent teeth erupted. Conservative treatment of the inflamed depressions by removing the foreign material through curettage and copious flushing reduced the grade of the inflammation when observed on follow-up. Focal palatine erosion is an incorrect term used to describe focal palatitis that occurs randomly in cheetahs. This focal palatitis is often associated with foreign material trapped in the. palatal depressions. Conservative management is sufficient to treat these animals without odontoplasties.


猎豹(Acinonyx jubatus)的局灶性腭炎(以前称为局灶性腭侵蚀)

局灶性腭糜烂 (FPE) 是一个误导性术语,在文献中用于描述与猎豹腭黏膜凹陷相关的炎性病变。猎豹有很大的颊齿,形成这些凹陷是为了容纳它们。以前 FPE 仅被描述为硬腭上的下颌磨牙咬合不正,原因是 18 个月及以上猎豹的下颌磨牙疑似旋转和超萌。来自两个独立机构的 256 只猎豹(135 只雄性,121 只雌性)的口腔在十多年的年度健康访问中进行了评估。99只猎豹被看到一次,59只猎豹被看到两次,33只猎豹被看到3次,43只看到了4次,16只看到了5次,5只看到了6次,1只猎豹被看到了7次。除了这些临床病例外,还对 5 只猎豹幼崽(3 只雄性和 2 只雌性)进行了前瞻性研究,以记录它们在 25 个月内的颅骨发育和下颌磨牙萌出情况。在观察到的 261 只猎豹中,没有一只猎豹的下颌磨牙出现旋转或超级萌出。术语 FPE 是用词不当,因为这些炎症病变是在与所有猎豹下颌颊牙的任何牙尖相对的腭凹陷中发现的。它主要由深部溃疡、炎症和水肿以及微脓肿形成组成。在严重的情况下,存在口鼻瘘。在猎豹上颚的所有凹陷中,第 4 上颌前磨牙的大上颚最常受到影响。在前瞻性评估的 5 只幼崽中,从 7 个月的评估中可以明显看出局灶性腭炎,在所有恒牙萌出之前。在随访中观察到,通过刮宫和大量冲洗去除异物来保守治疗发炎的凹陷降低了炎症的程度。局灶性腭糜烂是一个不正确的术语,用于描述在猎豹中随机发生的局灶性腭炎。这种局灶性腭炎常与夹在其中的异物有关。腭凹陷。保守治疗足以治疗这些动物而无需进行牙体成形术。这种局灶性腭炎常与夹在其中的异物有关。腭凹陷。保守治疗足以治疗这些动物而无需进行牙体成形术。这种局灶性腭炎常与夹在其中的异物有关。腭凹陷。保守管理足以治疗这些动物而无需进行牙体成形术。