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Behaviors and Trends toward Routine Maintenance and Major Repairs of Afridev Handpumps in Rural Malawi
Water ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-15 , DOI: 10.3390/w13121666
Jonathan P. Truslove , Andrea B. Coulson , Emma Mbalame , Robert M. Kalin

Service provision for Afridev handpumps through community management in Malawi is a notable challenge. Essential preventative maintenance is often neglected, and repairs are undertaken on a reactive basis. The costs of major repairs are not recognized at community level and are typically neglected across the lifecycle of infrastructure or left to external stakeholders. The aim of this study was to investigate preventative maintenance and capital maintenance expenditure over the 15-year design lifecycle of 21,997 Afridev handpumps in Malawi, and how costs change based on different local tariff collection scenarios. A total of four tariff collection scenarios were investigated, for assets both subject and not subject to rehabilitation. The findings highlight poor initial capacity building into appropriate cost recovery and maintenance approaches. Major repair costs increase over the pump lifecycle when service consists of the replacement of low-cost, fast-wearing parts. Rehabilitation/major repair costs increase as a result but tend to be focused on simple longer-life components, such as pump rods. In both cases, a reliance on external support was highlighted, as larger costs are primarily covered by donors and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs). Proactive tariff scenarios may provide a greater capability of replacement throughout the lifecycle of major items when compared to reactive tariff scenarios. It is recommended that policy and practitioners should focus on capacity building of sustainable maintenance models that consider the full lifecycle costs of assets.


马拉维农村地区 Afridev 手泵日常维护和大修的行为和趋势

在马拉维,通过社区管理为 Afridev 手泵提供服务是一个显着的挑战。基本的预防性维护往往被忽视,而维修是在被动的基础上进行的。大修的成本在社区层面没有得到承认,并且通常在基础设施的整个生命周期中被忽视或留给外部利益相关者。本研究的目的是调查马拉维 21,997 台 Afridev 手泵在 15 年设计生命周期内的预防性维护和资本维护支出,以及成本如何根据不同的当地关税征收方案而变化。总共调查了四种关税征收方案,针对受制和不受修缮的资产。调查结果强调了在适当的成本回收和维护方法中初始能力建设不佳。当服务包括更换低成本、易磨损的部件时,泵生命周期内的主要维修成本会增加。修复/大修成本因此增加,但往往集中在简单的寿命更长的部件上,例如泵杆。在这两种情况下,都强调了对外部支持的依赖,因为较大的成本主要由捐助者和非政府组织 (NGO) 承担。与被动关税方案相比,主动关税方案可以在主要项目的整个生命周期提供更大的更换能力。建议政策和从业者应关注考虑资产全生命周期成本的可持续维护模型的能力建设。修复/大修成本因此增加,但往往集中在简单的寿命更长的部件上,例如泵杆。在这两种情况下,都强调了对外部支持的依赖,因为较大的成本主要由捐助者和非政府组织 (NGO) 承担。与被动关税方案相比,主动关税方案可以在主要项目的整个生命周期提供更大的更换能力。建议政策和从业者应关注考虑资产全生命周期成本的可持续维护模型的能力建设。修复/大修成本因此增加,但往往集中在简单的寿命更长的部件上,例如泵杆。在这两种情况下,都强调了对外部支持的依赖,因为较大的成本主要由捐助者和非政府组织 (NGO) 承担。与被动关税方案相比,主动关税方案可以在主要项目的整个生命周期提供更大的更换能力。建议政策和从业者应关注考虑资产全生命周期成本的可持续维护模型的能力建设。因为较大的费用主要由捐助者和非政府组织 (NGO) 承担。与被动关税方案相比,主动关税方案可以在主要项目的整个生命周期提供更大的更换能力。建议政策和从业者应关注考虑资产全生命周期成本的可持续维护模型的能力建设。因为较大的费用主要由捐助者和非政府组织 (NGO) 承担。与被动关税方案相比,主动关税方案可以在主要项目的整个生命周期提供更大的更换能力。建议政策和从业者应关注考虑资产全生命周期成本的可持续维护模型的能力建设。