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Reproductive success, herbivory and ex situ conservation of Neoregelia ibitipocensis (Bromeliaceae): an endemic and endangered species from the Atlantic Forest
Australian Journal of Botany ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-11 , DOI: 10.1071/bt21011
Aline Mystica S. Oliveira , Paulo Henrique P. Peixoto , Bruno C. Barbosa , Ana Paula G. Faria

Herbivory in plant reproductive tissues can severely reduce the fitness of the species, especially for those threatened with extinction. We investigated aspects of the reproductive ecology of Neoregelia ibitipocensis (Leme) Leme, an endangered species restricted to a few cloud forests sites in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Data on breeding systems, fertility, and viability of its populations are provided, as well as alternatives for development of strategies for ex situ conservation. Hand pollination experiments revealed that N. ibitipocensis is partially self-incompatible. Fruit and seeds were affected by intense herbivory caused by Tipulidae (Diptera) larvae. The predation reached 100% of the analysed infructescences during the first year of the study. We observed the production of parthenocarpic fruit both through controlled pollination experiments and under natural conditions. The potential for self-pollination and autogamy probably compensate for the reduced ability of the species to attract pollinators due to its small floral display. In the same way, parthenocarpy seems to represent a strategy to enhance the fitness of N. ibitipocensis, mitigating the effects of the predation. We developed an efficient protocol of in vitro multiplication, which represents a viable alternative for ex situ conservation of the species.


Neoregelia ibitipocensis(凤梨科)的繁殖成功、食草和异地保护:来自大西洋森林的地方性和濒危物种

植物生殖组织中的食草动物会严重降低物种的适应性,尤其是对于那些面临灭绝威胁的物种。我们调查了Neoregelia ibitipocensis (Leme) Leme生殖生态学的各个方面,这是一种仅限于巴西大西洋森林中少数云雾林的濒危物种。提供了关于繁殖系统、繁殖力和种群生存能力的数据,以及制定异地保护战略的替代方案。人工授粉实验表明N. ibitipocensis是部分自不相容的。果实和种子受到由 Tipulidae(双翅目)幼虫引起的强烈食草动物的影响。在研究的第一年,捕食达到了所分析果序的 100%。我们通过受控授粉实验和在自然条件下观察了单性果实的生产。自花授粉和自花交配的潜力可能弥补了该物种由于花卉展示较小而吸引传粉媒介的能力下降的问题。同样,单性结实似乎代表了一种增强N. ibitipocensis适应度、减轻捕食影响的策略。我们开发了一种有效的体外增殖方案,它代表了一种可行的易地替代方案 物种的保护。
