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Building comparison spaces: Harold Hotelling and mathematics for economics
Journal of Economic Methodology ( IF 1.409 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-13 , DOI: 10.1080/1350178x.2021.1936597
Marion Gaspard 1 , Thomas M. Mueller 2


Harold Hotelling’s (1895–1973) articles in mathematical economics from the 1930s are classics. Some are keystones of entire sub-disciplines of economic theory such as location economics [Hotelling (1929). Stability in competition. The Economic Journal, 39(153), 41–57] and natural resource economics [Hotelling (1931). Review of Review of mathematical introduction to economics, by Griffith C. Evans. The American Mathematical Monthly, 38(2), 101–103. https://doi.org/10.2307/2301858]; others are associated with significant theoretical results [Hotelling (1932). Edgeworth’s Taxation Paradox and the Nature of Demand and Supply functions. Journal of Political Economy, 40(5), 577–616; (1938). The general welfare in relation to Problems of Taxation and of Railway and Utility rates. Econometrica, 6(3), 242–269]. Yet, Hotelling’s place in the rising of mathematical economics is mostly a black hole in the history of economic thought. The present paper aims to provide a better understanding of Hotelling’s part in the history of mathematical economics. Using published as well as archival materials, it traces Hotelling’s itinerary in mathematical economics, observes Hotelling using mathematics and scrutinizes Hotelling’s methodological writings to capture the meaning of his models and concepts, in particular his concept of utility as a monetary surplus.


构建比较空间:Harold Hotelling 和经济学数学


Harold Hotelling (1895–1973) 1930 年代的数理经济学文章是经典之作。有些是经济理论的整个子学科的基石,例如区位经济学 [Hotelling (1929)]。竞争中的稳定性。The Economic Journal , 39 (153), 41–57] 和自然资源经济学 [Hotelling (1931)。格里菲斯 C. 埃文斯 (Griffith C. Evans) 对经济学数学导论的评论评论。美国数学月刊38(2),101-103。https://doi.org/10.2307/2301858]; 其他人与重要的理论结果相关[Hotelling (1932)。Edgeworth 的税收悖论和供求函数的性质。政治经济学杂志,40(5), 577–616; (1938)。与税收问题以及铁路和公用事业费率有关的一般福利。计量经济学,6 (3), 242–269]。然而,霍特林在数理经济学兴起中的地位主要是经济思想史上的一个黑洞。本文旨在更好地理解霍特林在数理经济学史上的作用。使用已发表的和档案材料,它追溯了霍特林在数理经济学中的路线,使用数学观察霍特林,并仔细审查了霍特林的方法论著作,以捕捉他的模型和概念的含义,特别是他将效用作为货币盈余的概念。
