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Flowing magma bodies: towards a relational understanding of imaginative pedagogical possibilities
Environmental Education Research ( IF 3.725 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-13 , DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2021.1926432
Philippa Morse 1


To contribute pedagogies that reimagine relationships in a more-than-human world I adopt a posthuman approach to map the content and expressions of imagination in a series of pedagogical events on Dja Dja Wurrung Country, Kooyoora, Australia. By working with Bennett’s concept of vibrant matter and MacLure’s generative data fragments I attend to the collective – student/teacher bodies, geological landscape, embodied actions, histories, passions and reactions – to interrogate pedagogical assemblages of an imaginative geological walk. In doing so, I explore what holds these assemblages together and what breaks them apart and follow the generative onto-epistemological forces at play. I do so with a posthuman lens to remain open to the possibilities of learning from, with, and in these educational entanglements.




为了贡献能够在超人类世界中重新构想关系的教学法,我采用后人类的方法来绘制澳大利亚库约拉 Dja Dja Wurrung Country 的一系列教学活动中想象力的内容和表达方式。通过使用 Bennett 的充满活力的物质概念和 MacLure 的生成数据片段,我参与了集体——学生/教师团体、地质景观、具体行动、历史、激情和反应——以询问富有想象力的地质步行的教学组合。在这样做的过程中,我探索了是什么将这些组合结合在一起,是什么将它们分开,并遵循了在起作用的生成本体认识论力量。我以后人类的视角这样做,以保持对从这些教育纠葛中学习、学习和学习的可能性持开放态度。
