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Urban spectacularisation and social housing : an asymmetrical relation ? The habitations Jeanne-Mance in Montreal’s quartier des spectacles
Urban Research & Practice ( IF 2.136 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-14 , DOI: 10.1080/17535069.2021.1938196
Antonin Margier 1 , Guillaume Ethier 2


Located in the heart of Montreal’s Quartier des Spectacles, the Habitations Jeanne-Mance is a vast social housing scheme that contrasts starkly with the Quebec metropolis’s cultural showcase. However, despite their differences, these urban projects have been subject to similar beautification practices. Both have drawn on public art and culture as resources, but the two beautification processes have taken different forms. In the Quartier des Spectacles, they have been aimed at attracting audiences, while in the Habitations Jeanne-Mance, they have sought to reinforce a sense of belonging. In this article, we analyse how these symbolic recoding processes have interconnected and overlapped.


城市壮观化和社会住房:一种不对称的关系?蒙特利尔 quartier des spectacles 的 Jeanne-Mance 住宅


Habitations Jeanne-Mance 位于蒙特利尔 Quartier des Spectacles 的中心地带,是一个庞大的社会住房计划,与魁北克大都市的文化展示区形成鲜明对比。然而,尽管存在差异,但这些城市项目都经历了相似的美化实践。两者都以公共艺术和文化为资源,但两种美化过程采取了不同的形式。在 Quartier des Spectacles,他们的目标是吸引观众,而在 Habitations Jeanne-Mance,他们试图加强归属感。在这篇文章中,我们分析了这些符号重新编码过程是如何相互关联和重叠的。
