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Marketing attributes in yogurt weekly pricing in Argentina
Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management Pub Date : 2021-06-14 , DOI: 10.1057/s41272-021-00335-w
Juan M. C. Larrosa , Victoria Giordano , Gonzalo R. Ramírez Muñoz de Toro , Juan I. Uriarte

Pricing under inflation proves to affect marketing effectiveness. We analyze the weekly price evolution of yogurt segments offered in supermarkets in Argentina for the period 2015–2020. By taking into account the strong macroeconomic instability of the period, we try to figure out what role marketing variables such as product attributes and promotions have played in pricing. We find that specific attributes such as flavor and texture and time effects significant. As expected, much of the pricing was affected by general and sectorial inflation of the period.



通货膨胀下的定价被证明会影响营销效果。我们分析了 2015 年至 2020 年阿根廷超市提供的酸奶细分市场的每周价格变化。通过考虑该时期宏观经济的强烈不稳定性,我们试图弄清楚产品属性和促销活动等营销变量在定价中发挥了什么作用。我们发现特定属性,如风味、质地和时间影响显着。正如预期的那样,大部分定价受到该时期总体和部门通胀的影响。
