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‘So many sparks of fire’: Dorothy Cottrell, modernism and mobility
Queensland Review Pub Date : 2016-12-01 , DOI: 10.1017/qre.2016.27
Jessica White

The broad brush strokes of Dorothy Cottrell's paintings in the National Library of Australia mark her as a modernist artist, although not one who painted the burgeoning Sydney Harbour Bridge or bright still-life paintings of Australian flora. Rather, she captured the dun surrounds of Ularunda Station, the remote Queensland property to which she moved in 1920 after attending art school in Sydney. At Ularunda, Cottrell eloped with the bookkeeper to Dunk Island, where they stayed with nature writer E.J. Banfield, then relocated to Sydney. In 1924 they returned to Ularunda and Cottrell swapped her paintbrush for a pen, writing The Singing Gold . After advice from Mary Gilmore, whom her mother accosted in a pub, Cottrell send it to the Ladies Home Journal in America. It was snapped up immediately, optioned for a film and found a publisher in England, who described it as ‘a great Australian book, and a world book’. Gilmore added, ‘As an advertisement for Australia, it will go far — the Ladies Home Journal is read all over the world’. Cottrell herself also went far, emigrating to America, where she wrote The Silent Reefs , set in the Caribbean. Cottrell's creative, intellectual and physical peregrinations — all undertaken in a wheelchair after she contracted polio at age five — show how the local references the international, and vice versa. Through an analysis of the life and writing of this now little-known Queensland author, this essay reflects the regional and transnational elements of modernism as outlined in Neal Alexander and James Moran's Regional Modernisms , illuminating how a crack-shot with a rifle once took Queensland to the world.



澳大利亚国家图书馆中多萝西·科特雷尔 (Dorothy Cottrell) 画作的宽阔笔触标志着她是一位现代主义艺术家,尽管她不是画过蓬勃发展的悉尼海港大桥或澳大利亚植物群的明亮静物画的人。相反,她捕捉到了乌拉伦达车站周围的沙丘,这是她在悉尼上完艺术学校后于 1920 年搬到昆士兰偏远地区的地方。在乌拉伦达,科特雷尔和簿记员私奔到邓克岛,在那里他们与自然作家 EJ Banfield 呆在一起,然后搬到悉尼。1924 年,他们回到乌拉伦达,科特雷尔用她的画笔换了一支钢笔,写下了《歌唱的黄金》。在得到她母亲在酒吧搭讪的玛丽·吉尔摩的建议后,科特雷尔将其寄给了美国的《女士之家》杂志。立马被抢购一空 被选为一部电影,并在英国找到了一家出版商,出版商将其描述为“一本伟大的澳大利亚书籍和一本世界书籍”。吉尔摩补充说,“作为澳大利亚的广告,它会走得更远——《女士之家杂志》在世界各地都有人阅读”。科特雷尔本人也走得很远,移民到美国,在那里她写了以加勒比海为背景的寂静的珊瑚礁。科特雷尔 (Cottrell) 的创造性、智力和身体旅行——在她 5 岁感染小儿麻痹症后都坐在轮椅上进行——展示了当地人如何参考国际,反之亦然。通过对这位现在鲜为人知的昆士兰作家的生平和写作的分析,这篇文章反映了尼尔亚历山大和詹姆斯莫兰的区域现代主义中概述的现代主义的区域和跨国元素,