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Women in coding boot camps: an alternative pathway to computing jobs
Computer Science Education Pub Date : 2019-10-29 , DOI: 10.1080/08993408.2019.1682379
Louise Ann Lyon 1 , Emily Green 1

ABSTRACT Background and Context: Non-traditional training grounds such as coding boot camps that attract a higher proportion of women are important sites for understanding how to broaden participation in computing. Objective: This work aims to help us better understand the women choosing boot camps and their pathways through these camps and into the computing workforce. Method: This paper reports on a longitudinal, qualitative study investigating female boot camp attendees. Findings: Findings show that women attending boot camps are career changers that develop an interest in software development too late to major in CS, discovering a post-college enjoyment of programming undertaken to support work goals at a current job or an aspirational job. Implications: Women at boot camps illustrate a missed opportunity to diversify postsecondary CS classrooms when not recruited early, not given interdisciplinary options, not exposed to enjoyable programming tasks, and not exposed to the array and number of job prospects.



摘要 背景和背景:非传统培训场所,例如吸引更高比例女性的编码训练营,是了解如何扩大参与计算的重要场所。目标:这项工作旨在帮助我们更好地了解选择新兵训练营的女性以及她们通过这些训练营进入计算机劳动力的途径。方法:本文报告了一项调查女性新兵训练营参加者的纵向定性研究。调查结果:调查结果表明,参加新兵训练营的女性是职业转换者,她们对软件开发产生兴趣而无法主修计算机科学,她们发现大学毕业后对编程的享受是为了支持当前工作或理想工作的工作目标。含义: