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The role of peace journalism in the deconstruction of elections and the “national question” in Nigeria
International Journal of African Renaissance Studies - Multi-, Inter- and Transdisciplinarity Pub Date : 2017-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/18186874.2017.1333298
Joseph Olusegun Adebayo 1

ABSTRACT Nigeria, a very fragile country, is constantly teetering towards dissolution. For several decades post-independence, the country has been plagued by protracted disputations among the diverse ethnic nationalities, which have been attributed to the inadvertent merger of the Northern and Southern protectorates in 1914 by the British colonialists. Since the merger, there has been intense unrest among the various ethnic groups with tensions for greater resource control and self-determination. The country has also witnessed the intense politicisation of religion in ways that have continued to aggravate the deepening antagonism between Christians and Muslims, further broadening already existing fault lines. The longdrawn-out bickering has led to calls for a renegotiation of the terms of cohabitation among the various ethnic nationalities; and this has given rise to the “national question”, a term used to describe the quest to review the dilemmas associated with accommodating multipleidentity communities within the framework of a single, integrated, national political system. This article argues that traditional media reportage of the “national question” in Nigeria has been more divisive than uniting. The article proposes the adoption of a peace journalism approach to reporting the “national question” to ensure that members of the various ethnic nationalities consider and value non-violent responses to conflict.



摘要尼日利亚是一个非常脆弱的国家,一直在走向解体。独立后的几十年里,该国一直受到不同民族之间旷日持久的争论的困扰,这归因于英国殖民主义者在 1914 年无意中合并了南北保护国。自合并以来,各民族之间发生了激烈的动乱,对加强资源控制和自决的紧张局势。该国还目睹了宗教的激烈政治化,以继续加剧基督徒和穆斯林之间日益加深的对抗,进一步扩大已经存在的断层线。旷日持久的争吵导致要求重新谈判各民族之间的同居条款;这引发了“民族问题”,该术语用于描述在单一、综合的国家政治体系框架内审查与容纳多重身份社区相关的困境。这篇文章认为,传统媒体对尼日利亚“民族问题”的报道更多的是分裂而不是团结。文章建议采用和平新闻方式报道“民族问题”,以确保各族裔成员考虑并重视对冲突的非暴力回应。这篇文章认为,传统媒体对尼日利亚“民族问题”的报道更多的是分裂而不是团结。文章建议采用和平新闻方式报道“民族问题”,以确保各族裔成员考虑并重视对冲突的非暴力回应。这篇文章认为,传统媒体对尼日利亚“民族问题”的报道更多的是分裂而不是团结。文章建议采用和平新闻方式报道“民族问题”,以确保各族裔成员考虑并重视对冲突的非暴力回应。