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Toward a Transformative African Curriculum for Higher Education
International Journal of African Renaissance Studies - Multi-, Inter- and Transdisciplinarity Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/18186874.2020.1740059
Molefi Kete Asante 1

Abstract Africans have inherited a Pan European Academy that has occupied almost all of the intellectual space in schools and universities. This Pan European Academy dominates theories, philosophies, and attitudes about research and knowledge, pushing Africans to the margins even in our own narratives of our history. This article is a heuristic toward an Afrocentric re-orientation to all epistemes in order to usher in a transformation of curricula in African universities. This essay asserts the necessity for African scholars to challenge the Pan European Academy’s standing as a universal system of knowledge in order to call into question the defamation of African agency and to institute the Afrocentric transformation of African education. In the end, all changes begin with the individual, and it is from this personal sense of purpose that we will transform the curriculum in a rational manner. I state three propositions: (1) the structure of our education has been totally corrupted by a Pan European Academy that has no interest in African knowledge for African interests; (2) the African people must completely break free from the encapsulating, stifling, and culturally demeaning curricula disseminated around the world by the Pan European Academy; and (3) our liberation will only be complete when we have liberated our minds to see ourselves as the sources of our episteme.



摘要 非洲人继承了泛欧学院,几乎占据了学校和大学的所有知识空间。这个泛欧学院主导着关于研究和知识的理论、哲学和态度,甚至在我们自己的历史叙述中也将非洲人推向了边缘。这篇文章是对所有认识论的非洲中心重新定位的启发,以迎来非洲大学课程的转型。这篇文章断言,非洲学者有必要挑战泛欧学院作为一个普遍知识体系的地位,以质疑对非洲机构的诽谤,并开始非洲教育的非洲中心转型。最终,所有的改变都始于个人,正是出于这种个人的目的感,我们将理性地改造课程。我提出三个命题:(1)我们的教育结构已经被一个对非洲知识没有兴趣的泛欧洲学院完全破坏了;(2) 非洲人民必须彻底摆脱泛欧学院在世界范围内传播的封装、扼杀和贬低文化的课程;(3) 只有当我们解放了我们的思想,把我们自己看作是我们认识的源泉时,我们的解放才能完成。(2) 非洲人民必须彻底摆脱泛欧学院在世界范围内传播的封装、扼杀和贬低文化的课程;(3) 只有当我们解放了我们的思想,把我们自己看作是我们认识的源泉时,我们的解放才能完成。(2) 非洲人民必须彻底摆脱泛欧学院在世界范围内传播的封装、扼杀和贬低文化的课程;(3) 只有当我们解放了我们的思想,把我们自己看作是我们认识的源泉时,我们的解放才能完成。