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Decolonising Universities in South Africa: Rigged Spaces?
International Journal of African Renaissance Studies - Multi-, Inter- and Transdisciplinarity Pub Date : 2018-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/18186874.2018.1474990
Cheryl Hendricks 1

Abstract This article provides a broad overview of the necessity for and challenges of decolonising universities in South Africa. It situates the student protests for the decolonisation of knowledge within the debates on the African Higher Education landscape, the ideology of Pan-Africanism, and calls for an African Renaissance. The article highlights the context in which the Fallist Movement emerged in South Africa and the demands it articulated. This article questions whether or not the decolonisation of knowledge, and the broader university system, can truly materialise, given the inherent nature and functioning of these institutions and the current practices of decolonising universities. The article argues that to date the decolonisation of universities has largely been ad-hoc, performative, and technical, rather than the sustainable and substantive transformative processes that should be at the heart of any decolonisation project. Furthermore, the article asserts that the universities that we are trying to decolonise are rigged spaces as they have been fashioned in the image of western universities and align with their norms, values, and epistemologies. To break this foundational epistemological and cultural bedrock requires a complete overhaul of the structure, ideology, and functioning of the universities. Without major shifts in the power relations, orientation and forms of knowledge production at these universities, there can be no decolonisation.



摘要 本文对南非非殖民化大学的必要性和挑战进行了广泛的概述。它将学生抗议知识的非殖民化置于关于非洲高等教育景观、泛非主义意识形态的辩论中,并呼吁非洲复兴。这篇文章重点介绍了南非堕落运动出现的背景及其表达的要求。考虑到这些机构的内在性质和功能以及非殖民化大学的当前做法,本文质疑知识的非殖民化和更广泛的大学体系是否能够真正实现。这篇文章认为,迄今为止,大学的非殖民化在很大程度上是临时的、表演性的和技术性的,而不是任何非殖民化项目的核心应该是可持续和实质性的转型过程。此外,文章断言,我们试图去殖民化的大学是被操纵的空间,因为它们是按照西方大学的形象塑造的,并与它们的规范、价值观和认识论保持一致。要打破这一基本的认识论和文化基石,需要对大学的结构、意识形态和运作进行彻底改革。如果这些大学的权力关系、方向和知识生产形式没有重大转变,就不可能有非殖民化。文章断言,我们试图去殖民化的大学是被操纵的空间,因为它们是按照西方大学的形象塑造的,并与它们的规范、价值观和认识论保持一致。要打破这一基本的认识论和文化基石,需要对大学的结构、意识形态和运作进行彻底改革。如果这些大学的权力关系、方向和知识生产形式没有重大转变,就不可能有非殖民化。文章断言,我们试图去殖民化的大学是被操纵的空间,因为它们是按照西方大学的形象塑造的,并与它们的规范、价值观和认识论保持一致。要打破这一基本的认识论和文化基石,需要对大学的结构、意识形态和运作进行彻底改革。如果这些大学的权力关系、方向和知识生产形式没有重大转变,就不可能有非殖民化。