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This Marker I Call My Body: Coloniality and Racism in the Academy
International Journal of African Renaissance Studies - Multi-, Inter- and Transdisciplinarity Pub Date : 2018-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/18186874.2018.1549504
CarolAnn Daniel 1

Abstract Women of colour have had to navigate a particular set of interpersonal and structural challenges in the academy that frustrate and deny their aspirations. These concerns defy a simplistic analysis, as they are part of a complex amalgam of raced, gendered, and classed experiences. I present a framework to analyse how racist/sexist hierarchies of power created during colonialism are continuously rearticulated within academic spaces to account for the persistent marginalisation of people of colour in universities in the USA, and Black women in particular. I argue that we need to understand coloniality as operating within the university as the everyday state of affairs and, as such, as an obstacle to diversity. I show how, in practice, coloniality and white racism work in partnership to construct a world that reduces Black women to their flesh and to beings that are by nature inferior. An analysis that begins with coloniality situates the intersections of racial identity and processes of othering in a system underpinned by social hierarchical relationships of domination and exclusion. My point is not to reject attempts at changing the university, but to call for a deeper understanding of the experiences of Black women in relation to its colonial legacy.



摘要 有色人种女性不得不在学院中应对一系列特定的人际关系和结构性挑战,这些挑战挫败并否定了她们的抱负。这些担忧不符合简单化的分析,因为它们是种族、性别和阶级经历的复杂混合体的一部分。我提出了一个框架来分析殖民主义期间建立的种族主义/性别歧视的权力等级如何在学术空间内不断重新表述,以解释美国大学中有色人种,尤其是黑人女性的持续边缘化。我认为我们需要将殖民性理解为在大学内运作的日常事务,因此,它是多样性的障碍。我展示了如何在实践中 殖民主义和白人种族主义共同构建了一个世界,将黑人女性贬低为肉体和天生劣等的人。从殖民性开始的分析将种族身份和他者化过程的交叉置于一个以统治和排斥的社会等级关系为基础的系统中。我的观点不是拒绝改变大学的尝试,而是呼吁更深入地了解黑人女性与其殖民遗产相关的经历。