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Reformulation of the performance portability metric
Software: Practice and Experience ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-10 , DOI: 10.1002/spe.3002
Ami Marowka 1

The 3-P challenge of high-performance programming—performance, portability and productivity—has become more difficult than ever in the age of heterogeneous computing. It would be naïve to think that the performance portability problem can be completely solved, but it can certainly be reduced and made tolerable. However, first and foremost, an agreement is needed on what it means for an application to be performance portable. Unfortunately, there is still no consensus in the scientific community on a workable definition of the term performance portability. Several years ago, a comprehensive effort was made to formulate a novel definition of performance portability and an associated metric. Since the new metric was first introduced, it has been widely adopted by the scientific community, and many advanced studies have used it. Unfortunately, the definition of the new metric has flaws. This article presents a proof of the theoretical flaws in the definition of the new metric, considers the practical implications of these flaws as reflected in many studies that have used it in recent years, and proposes a revised metric that addresses the flaws and provides guidelines on how to use it correctly.



在异构计算时代,高性能编程的 3-P 挑战——性能、可移植性和生产力——变得比以往任何时候都更加困难。认为性能可移植性问题可以完全解决是幼稚的,但它肯定可以减少并变得可以容忍。但是,首先,需要就应用程序的性能可移植性意味着什么达成一致。不幸的是,科学界仍未就性能可移植性一词的可行定义达成共识. 几年前,人们进行了全面的努力来制定性能可移植性的新定义和相关指标。自从首次引入新指标以来,它已被科学界广泛采用,许多高级研究都使用了它。不幸的是,新指标的定义存在缺陷。本文证明了新度量定义中的理论缺陷,考虑了近年来使用它的许多研究中反映的这些缺陷的实际影响,并提出了一个修正的度量来解决这些缺陷并提供指导如何正确使用它。