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Do migrants affect the local product mix? An analysis of the effects and underlying mechanisms
Journal of Economic Geography ( IF 5.117 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-16 , DOI: 10.1093/jeg/lbab017
Elizabeth J Casabianca 1, 2 , Alessia Lo Turco 2 , Daniela Maggioni 3

We study the impact of immigration on the product mix of the receiving economy by combining information on the local presence of immigrants with a highly detailed definition of the set of goods produced by Italian provinces. For the period 2002–2011, we find that an increase in the share of migrants shifts the manufacturing output composition of host provinces in favour of less capital intensive products. This evidence is based on an IV strategy resting on the settlement of immigrants in the pre-sample period and is robust to several sensitivity checks. We shed light on two mechanisms potentially driving our result. On the one hand, we show that immigration reduces provinces’ dependence on imports of low capital intensity intermediate goods. On the other hand, immigration fosters relatively more the creation of new firms in local low capital intensity industries.



我们通过将有关移民在当地存在的信息与对意大利各省生产的一系列商品的高度详细定义相结合,研究移民对接收经济体产品组合的影响。在 2002-2011 年期间,我们发现流动人口比例的增加使东道省的制造业产出构成向资本密集程度较低的产品倾斜。该证据基于基于样本前阶段移民定居的 IV 策略,并且对多项敏感性检查具有稳健性。我们阐明了两种可能推动我们结果的机制。一方面,我们表明移民减少了各省对低资本密集度中间产品进口的依赖。另一方面,