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Forum for Social Economics Pub Date : 2019-09-19 , DOI: 10.1080/07360932.2019.1661675
Paolo Ramazzotti

Welcome to this education-centered issue of the Forum. The first paper, by Kyoore and Sulemana, examines the relation between education and gender equality in five Sub-Saharan countries. Studies about gender equality in Africa countries tend to focus on tradition, religion and economic conditions while education is generally deemed relevant for its own sake and for its economic effects. Following recent strands of literature, the paper provides an empirical inquiry that corroborates the hypothesis of the positive effect that education has on attitudes toward gender equality. The second paper, by Anderson, Dore-Welch and Johnson, discusses an educational experiment carried out in an American university, where students who cannot go abroad are nonetheless exposed to a global educational experience. The course combines experiential activities in foreign aid with academic study. The aim is to increase interest in, and awareness of, critical issues through agency and moral reasoning. Given the experimental nature of the course, the authors discuss the scope for improvement strategies and, in so doing, stress all the gains that come from abandoning a top-down teaching approach. A similar experiment is discussed in the Provencher and Ramnarain paper. The subject is a standard intermediate microeconomics course. The aim is to comply with the requirement to provide essential features of neoclassical theory while introducing different, and sometimes alternative, viewpoints. Just as in the previous paper, the approach is to do away with the top-down teaching approach and to allow students to grasp how norms, values and ethics are strictly connected. The fourth paper, by Evangelista, surveys three books that focus less on structured education than on how the economics discourse is presented to academics and the public in general. Three issues come to the fore. Two of



欢迎阅读本论坛以教育为中心的问题。由 Kyoore 和 Sulemana 撰写的第一篇论文研究了撒哈拉以南五个国家的教育与性别平等之间的关系。关于非洲国家性别平等的研究往往侧重于传统、宗教和经济条件,而教育通常被认为与其自身及其经济影响相关。根据最近的一系列文献,本文提供了一项实证调查,证实了教育对性别平等态度具有积极影响的假设。第二篇论文由 Anderson、Dore-Welch 和 Johnson 撰写,讨论了在美国大学进行的一项教育实验,在那里无法出国的学生仍然可以接触全球教育经验。该课程将对外援助的体验活动与学术研究相结合。目的是通过代理和道德推理来提高对关键问题的兴趣和意识。鉴于课程的实验性质,作者讨论了改进策略的范围,并在此过程中强调了放弃自上而下的教学方法所带来的所有收益。Provencher 和 Ramnarain 论文中讨论了类似的实验。该主题是标准的中级微观经济学课程。目的是满足提供新古典理论基本特征的要求,同时引入不同的、有时是替代的观点。和上一篇论文一样,该方法是摒弃自上而下的教学方法,让学生掌握规范、价值观和道德是如何紧密联系在一起的。由 Evangelista 撰写的第四篇论文调查了三本书,这些书的重点不是结构化教育,而是经济学论述如何呈现给学术界和一般公众。三个问题浮出水面。两个