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Embodied experience of the film spectator: emotional response to the documentary Las Mujeres de las FARC
Social Identities Pub Date : 2021-06-09 , DOI: 10.1080/13504630.2021.1924661
Maria Orjuela-Jongbloed 1 , Nancy R. Gómez 1


This article examines how the documentary Las Mujeres de las FARC raises awareness and strengthens a culture of peace and reconciliation among university students in the Colombian Caribbean. The results show, on the one hand, the documentary’s potential to generate a significant degree of narrative sympathy insofar as it includes, firstly, the voices of guerrilla women traditionally excluded from the discourses of conflict, and secondly, by generating emotional and sympathetic reactions among participants who have experienced the armed conflict up close. On the other hand, a group of participants clearly distanced themselves from the documentary by considering that it is a romanticised discourse of the lives of guerrilla women and avoids to address the human rights violations inflicted upon members of the group and the civilian population at large. This project was framed within a mixed method research design and addressed two dimensions: the emotional response of spectators from a sympathy and narrative understanding perspective, and the projection and identification of the spectators mediated via empathy with the characters portrayed. Finally, the pedagogical potential of the documentary in the promotion of a culture of peace and reconciliation in Colombia is discussed.


电影观众的具体体验:对纪录片 Las Mujeres de las FARC 的情绪反应


本文探讨了纪录片Las Mujeres de las FARC在哥伦比亚加勒比地区的大学生中提高认识并加强和平与和解文化。结果表明,一方面,这部纪录片有可能产生相当程度的叙事同情,因为它包括:首先,传统上被排除在冲突话语之外的游击队妇女的声音,其次,通过在双方之间产生情感和同情反应。近距离体验武装冲突的参与者。另一方面,一些参与者认为该纪录片是对游击队妇女生活的浪漫化话语,并避免提及对群体成员和广大平民造成的侵犯人权行为,从而明显与纪录片保持距离。该项目是在混合方法研究设计中构建的,并解决了两个维度:从同情和叙事理解的角度观察观众的情绪反应,以及通过对所描绘角色的同情来调节观众的投射和认同。最后,讨论了这部纪录片在促进哥伦比亚和平与和解文化方面的教学潜力。
