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Who’s Multiculturally Competent? Everybody and Nobody: A Multimethod Examination
The Counseling Psychologist ( IF 3.880 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-18 , DOI: 10.1177/0011000020904709
Melanie M. Wilcox 1, 2 , Danielle N. Franks 2 , Terrill O. Taylor 2, 3 , Christopher P. Monceaux 2 , Keoshia Harris 2

This study was a social dominance theory-driven multimethod investigation of multicultural competence. Given the concerns with self-report, we examined the relationship between study variables and both self-report and performance-based multicultural competence. We also tested competing hypotheses regarding the relationship between the multicultural competence measures. We examined two samples: one of counselor trainees (N = 93), and one of practicing therapists (N = 107). The overwhelming performance floor effect in the context of self-report ceiling effects was striking and unexpected in its severity. Awareness of privilege was the most consistent predictor, and the only variable related to most multicultural competence measures. Results related to social dominance orientation, just-world beliefs, and empathy differed by sample. A key finding was the failure by a substantial proportion of participants in both samples to even minimally address clients’ sociocultural context. Thus, we focus our discussion on the implications of this result.



这项研究是社会支配理论驱动的多元文化能力的多方法调查。鉴于对自我报告的担忧,我们检查了研究变量与自我报告和基于绩效的多元文化能力之间的关系。我们还测试了关于多元文化能力测量之间关系的竞争假设。我们检查了两个样本:一名辅导员实习生 (N = 93) 和一名执业治疗师 (N = 107)。在自我报告天花板效应的背景下,压倒性的性能地板效应在其严重性方面是惊人的和出乎意料的。特权意识是最​​一致的预测因素,也是与大多数多元文化能力测量相关的唯一变量。与社会支配取向、公正世界信念和同理心相关的结果因样本而异。一个关键发现是,两个样本中的很大一部分参与者都未能解决客户的社会文化背景问题。因此,我们将讨论重点放在这一结果的影响上。