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The True Value of Flowers and their Effect on the Dutch Economy. An Interdisciplinary Relationship between Art and Economics
Research in Economics Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.rie.2020.07.003
Silvia Ji

Abstract This study will examine the introduction, development and popularity of flower still lives as well as of Dutch horticulture, along with Holland’s early flower trade and its effect on Tulipmania, which took place during the Baroque era in Europe from 1636 to 1637. The highest-ranked genres, including history paintings, portraits, and altarpieces were slowly replaced by formerly less-regarded genres, such as genre paintings, landscape paintings, and still-lives found a new audience in seventeenth-century Holland. Artists such as Ambrosius Bosschaert and Jan Brueghel the Elder specialized in flower still lifes, depicting elegant vases holding large varieties of perfect flowers. Focusing on Ambrosius Bosschaert’s Flower Still Life, created in 1614 using oil on copper, this paper will examine the relationship between the popularity of horticulture and flower still lives in regard to their effects on the contemporary Dutch economy. First, the painting's formal elements will be analyzed, followed by a brief biography of Ambrosius Bosschaert, specifically discussing the influences on his art and his role as a pioneer in the genre of flower still lives. It will also study the interdisciplinary relationship between Art and Economics and implement past problems to identify similar market issues in the 21st century.



摘要 本研究将考察静物花卉和荷兰园艺的引入、发展和流行,以及荷兰早期的花卉贸易及其对 1636 年至 1637 年欧洲巴洛克时代发生的郁金香狂热的影响。历史画、肖像画和祭坛画等流派逐渐被以前不太受重视的流派所取代,例如风俗画、风景画和静物画,在 17 世纪的荷兰找到了新的观众。Ambrosius Bosschaert 和 Jan Brueghel the Elder 等艺术家专注于花卉静物画,描绘了盛放各种完美花朵的优雅花瓶。专注于 Ambrosius Bosschaert 于 1614 年在铜上使用油创作的静物花,本文将研究园艺的流行与花卉静物之间的关系,以及它们对当代荷兰经济的影响。首先,将分析这幅画的形式元素,然后是 Ambrosius Bosschaert 的简短传记,特别讨论了他的艺术影响以及他作为花卉静物流派先驱的角色。它还将研究艺术与经济学之间的跨学科关系,并实施过去的问题,以识别 21 世纪的类似市场问题。特别讨论了对他的艺术的影响以及他作为花卉静物类型先驱的角色。它还将研究艺术与经济学之间的跨学科关系,并实施过去的问题,以识别 21 世纪的类似市场问题。特别讨论了对他的艺术的影响以及他作为花卉静物类型先驱的角色。它还将研究艺术与经济学之间的跨学科关系,并实施过去的问题,以识别 21 世纪的类似市场问题。