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The Continuation of Dwelling: Safety as a Situated Effect of Multi-Actor Interactions Within Extra-Care Housing in Sweden
Journal of Housing For the Elderly Pub Date : 2019-01-26 , DOI: 10.1080/02763893.2018.1534181
Lina Berglund-Snodgrass 1 , Catharina Nord 1

Abstract This article examines the space–time situatedness of residing within extra-care housing (ECH) in Sweden. EHC constitutes an example of ordinary housing but is often categorized, along with senior housing, as “in-between housing.” What differentiates the extra-care housing from the ordinary is an age limit for moving in, the provision of communal facilities, and the presence of staff at certain times each week. Two housings with different environmental and architectural conditions have been analyzed through spatial analyses, observations, and interviews with residents (n = 18). The article concludes that the two different assemblings enabled two very different possibilities for accessing “safe aging.” One offered opportunities for the continuation of identities which contributed to feelings of safety, and one demanded the reconstitution of identities for developing meaning in the new housing.



摘要 本文研究了居住在瑞典额外护理住房 (ECH) 中的时空位置。EHC 是普通住房的一个例子,但通常与高级住房一起被归类为“中间住房”。特护房与普通房的区别在于入住的年龄限制、公共设施的提供以及每周特定时间的工作人员在场。通过空间分析、观察和与居民的访谈(n = 18)分析了具有不同环境和建筑条件的两个住房。文章得出结论,这两种不同的组装方式为实现“安全老化”提供了两种截然不同的可能性。其中之一提供了延续有助于安全感的身份的机会,