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Dressing for Succession in Norman Italy: The Mantle of King Roger II
Al-Masāq Pub Date : 2018-12-09 , DOI: 10.1080/09503110.2018.1551699
Clare Vernon 1

ABSTRACT The subject of this article is the mantle of the kings of Sicily, now in the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna. Made in Palermo in the 1130s, it is often known as the mantle of Roger II. Following his coronation in 1130, King Roger II saw the need to ensure the succession of his sons. As part of his strategy to consolidate dynastic succession, Roger invested his sons with important titles in the mainland regions of the kingdom. This article has two parts: the first discusses the materials used to make the mantle, the journeys they took to reach Sicily and the diplomatic and commercial relationships necessary to acquire them. The second part argues that the mantle may have been made for the investiture ceremonies of the king’s sons and examines how the materials and their exoticism shaped the ceremonial meaning of the garment.



摘要 本文的主题是西西里国王的披风,现藏于维也纳艺术史博物馆。它于 1130 年代在巴勒莫制造,通常被称为罗杰二世的地幔。在 1130 年加冕后,罗杰二世国王认为有必要确保儿子的继承权。作为巩固王朝继承战略的一部分,罗杰在王国的大陆地区授予他的儿子们重要的头衔。本文分为两部分:第一部分讨论用于制作地幔的材料、他们到达西西里岛的旅程以及获得它们所需的外交和商业关系。第二部分论证了披风可能是为国王儿子的授职仪式而制作的,并考察了材料及其异国情调如何塑造了服装的仪式意义。