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Power and Rural Communities in Al-Andalus: Ideological and Material Representations
Al-Masāq Pub Date : 2019-05-04 , DOI: 10.1080/09503110.2019.1614314
Jamie Wood 1

Comnenus’s critical decision not to support the Crusader army during the siege of Antioch, taking into account the idea that Alexius’s policy at that time was influenced by new alliances forming among the Turks along his eastern borders. This close analysis of political developments in the region comes to an end in the early twelfth century, showing how the border zone between Byzantium and the Eastern Turks steadily crystallised during the 1110s, forming what would eventually become a far more stable set of frontiers. The general conclusion serves to link preceding analyses together, but also points to some of the major debates highlighted in the previous chapters of the book. Beihammer certainly deals with several questions of significant importance. For example, he adds his voice to those who express caution about characterising the battle of Manzikert as the turning-point that enabled the Turks to conquer Anatolia. He also problematises any idea that the wars of this period can be substantially reduced to a "clash of civilisations" between Islam and Byzantine Christianity, underlining the ongoing co-operation between the Byzantines and the various Turkish groups. He is equally cautious in his appreciation of the devastating impact of Turkish incursions into Anatolia. He accepts that there were moments of considerable violence and turmoil, but he also notes that these were limited, both in duration and in geographical scope. Overall, this is a really impressive piece of scholarship. It is a key step forward in understanding the origins of Turkish Anatolia, depicting in detail a diverse, complex and evolving world. Beihammer examines important subjects that have not previously received much attention, and then uses the knowledge that emerges from this analysis to shed light on issues of significant importance. The resulting verdicts, summarised in the conclusion, are in most cases convincing and will feed the thought of scholars working in many areas.



考虑到亚历克修斯当时的政策受到土耳其人在其东部边界形成的新联盟的影响,科穆尼努斯做出了在安条克被围困期间不支持十字军军队的关键决定。对该地区政治发展的深入分析在 12 世纪初期结束,展示了拜占庭和东土耳其人之间的边界地区如何在 1110 年代稳步结晶,最终形成了一组更加稳定的边界。一般结论有助于将前面的分析联系在一起,但也指出了本书前几章中强调的一些主要辩论。贝哈默尔当然涉及几个非常重要的问题。例如,对于将曼齐克特战役描述为使土耳其人征服安纳托利亚的转折点持谨慎态度的人,他补充了自己的声音。他还质疑任何认为这一时期的战争可以大大简化为伊斯兰教和拜占庭基督教之间的“文明冲突”的想法,强调拜占庭人和土耳其各团体之间正在进行的合作。他对土耳其入侵安纳托利亚的破坏性影响同样持谨慎态度。他承认存在相当大的暴力和动荡的时刻,但他也指出,这些时刻在持续时间和地理范围上都是有限的。总的来说,这是一项令人印象深刻的奖学金。这是了解土耳其安纳托利亚起源的关键一步,详细描绘了一个多样化的、复杂多变的世界。贝哈默尔检查了以前没有受到太多关注的重要主题,然后利用从该分析中获得的知识来阐明具有重要意义的问题。结论中总结的结果在大多数情况下是令人信服的,并将为许多领域的学者提供思想。