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Wheel wear performance assessment and model validation using Harold full scale test rig
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit ( IF 2 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-09 , DOI: 10.1177/09544097211022444
Pelin Boyacioglu 1 , Adam Bevan 2 , Paul Allen 2 , Barnaby Bryce 2 , Sam Foulkes 3

The railway industry has focused on the improvement of maintenance through the use of novel technologies. Recently, the utilisation of repair welding to restore the worn area on wheels has been investigated, as it can bring significant savings in wheelset maintenance. Under an Innovate UK AURORA project, a worn wheel that previously operated on London Underground (LUL) was restored using this process. To test its performance and compare with a new standard steel grade wheel, the HAROLD full scale test rig was used in which an LUL vehicle bogie equipped with both the restored and R9 grade wheels was operated under the representative lateral and yaw displacements computed from vehicle dynamics simulations. The wear measurements carried out at the end of test cycles showed that although the restored wheel suffered from initial higher wear, the levels reduced and became similar to the R9 grade wheel. Furthermore, the full-scale testing provided an opportunity to validate the wear model predictions which were conducted using the vehicle dynamics simulations utilised in testing inputs. It was found that while the flange wear predictions were higher, the tread wear estimations were smaller than the measurements on the R9 grade wheel.


使用 Harold 全尺寸试验台进行车轮磨损性能评估和模型验证

铁路行业一直专注于通过使用新技术来改善维护。最近,已经研究了利用补焊来恢复车轮磨损区域,因为它可以显着节省轮对维护费用。在 Innovate UK AURORA 项目中,以前在伦敦地铁 (LUL) 上运行的磨损车轮使用此过程进行了修复。为了测试其性能并与新的标准钢级车轮进行比较,使用了 HAROLD 全尺寸试验台,其中配备了恢复和 R9 级车轮的 LUL 车辆转向架在从车辆动力学计算的代表性横向和偏航位移下运行模拟。在测试循环结束时进行的磨损测量表明,虽然修复后的车轮最初磨损较大,级别降低并变得与 R9 等级轮相似。此外,全尺寸测试提供了验证磨损模型预测的机会,这些预测是使用测试输入中使用的车辆动力学模拟进行的。发现虽然法兰磨损预测值较高,但胎面磨损估计值小于 R9 级车轮的测量值。
