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An analytical framework to estimate the economics and adoption potential of dual land-use systems: The case of agrivoltaics
Agricultural Systems ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.agsy.2021.103193
Arndt Feuerbacher , Moritz Laub , Petra Högy , Christian Lippert , Lisa Pataczek , Stephan Schindele , Christine Wieck , Sabine Zikeli


Dual land-use systems allow for a high land-use efficiency and are becoming increasingly relevant amid the rising scarcity of land. Agrivoltaics is a prominent example, yet there are farming system-specific trade-offs when simultaneously producing agricultural output and photovoltaic power.


Our objective is to report a novel analytical Framework to assess the Economic benefits and the ADoption Potential of dual Land-Use Systems (FEADPLUS). The framework is developed with the goal of enabling a straightforward application in large farm-level datasets.


FEADPLUS is grounded in neoclassical economic theory and applied to the case of agrivoltaics. An annualized profitability condition is derived and decomposed to identify the main components determining the agrivoltaic systems' economic viability, allowing for a comprehensive analysis of farm-specific synergies and trade-offs. Modifications enable calculation of the break-even electricity tariff and the relative change in agricultural contribution margin below the agrivoltaic system. The framework's functionality is demonstrated using data for cereal and vegetable farming systems on the Filder Plain, Southern Germany.


We show that farm-specific characteristics explain differences in the adoption potential under equal solar radiations. Cereal and vegetable farms could adopt agrivoltaics at a tariff of 8.63 and 9.00 EUR-cents kWh−1, respectively. Yet, the agricultural contribution margins from land cultivated below the agrivoltaics system decline by 40.3% and 73.9%, respectively. The decline is due to shading effects on crop yields, higher machinery and labor costs, and the foregone agricultural contribution margins from area lost due to the agrivoltaics mounting structure. In the presence of such trade-offs, the adoption of agrivoltaics is more profitable for farms growing low-value crops, such as cereals, than high-value crops like vegetables. Our sensitivity analyses show that this may change if there are synergies, e.g., positive shading effects on yield. Moreover, they indicate that agricultural contribution margins in some scenarios, which could incentivize farmers to abandon farming below the agrivoltaics system. This highlights the need for policymakers to put adequate safeguards in place.


Dual land-use systems are still understudied, but their high land-use efficiency becomes increasingly relevant in light of the mounting pressures on land. FEADPLUS is the first framework that allows estimation of economic benefits and adoption potential across farming systems and specific technology setups under different policy designs. To this end, it meets researchers' demands for a simple tool and allows for many extensions, e.g., incorporation of stochastics or aspects of (dynamic) optimization and economies of scale.




双重土地利用系统可实现高土地利用效率,并且在土地日益稀缺的情况下变得越来越重要。Agrivoltaics 是一个突出的例子,但在同时生产农业产出和光伏发电时,存在特定于农业系统的权衡。


我们的目标是报告一个新的分析˚F ramework评估È conomic益处和AD选项P otential的双大号和- ù本身小号ystems(FEADPLUS)。该框架的开发目标是在大型农场级数据集中实现简单的应用程序。


FEADPLUS 以新古典经济学理论为基础,并应用于农业光伏的案例。推导出和分解年度盈利条件,以确定决定农业光伏系统经济可行性的主要组成部分,从而对农场特定的协同效应和权衡进行综合分析。修改可以计算收支平衡的电费和农业光伏系统下农业边际贡献的相对变化。该框架的功能使用德国南部菲尔德平原谷物和蔬菜种植系统的数据进行了演示。


我们表明,农场特定的特征解释了在相同太阳辐射下采用潜力的差异。谷物和蔬菜农场可以以 8.63 和 9.00 欧元-美分 kWh -1的关税采用农业光伏, 分别。然而,农业光伏系统以下耕地的农业边际贡献率分别下降了 40.3% 和 73.9%。下降的原因是作物产量的阴影效应、较高的机械和劳动力成本,以及由于农业光伏安装结构而损失的面积所放弃的农业边际收益。在存在这种权衡的情况下,对于种植谷物等低价值作物的农场而言,采用农业光伏发电比种植蔬菜等高价值作物的农场更有利可图。我们的敏感性分析表明,如果存在协同效应,例如对产量的正面阴影效应,这种情况可能会改变。此外,他们指出,在某些情况下,农业边际贡献可能会激励农民放弃农业光伏系统以下的农业。


双重土地利用系统仍未得到充分研究,但鉴于土地压力越来越大,其高土地利用效率变得越来越重要。FEADPLUS 是第一个允许在不同政策设计下估算跨农业系统和特定技术设置的经济效益和采用潜力的框架。为此,它满足了研究人员对简单工具的需求,并允许进行许多扩展,例如,纳入随机因素或(动态)优化和规模经济的各个方面。
