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Impact of Individual Differences in Eating Rate on Oral Processing, Bolus Properties and Post-Meal Glucose Responses
Physiology & Behavior ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2021.113495
Ai Ting Goh 1 , Georgia Chatonidi 2 , Michelle Choy 1 , Shalini Ponnalagu 1 , Markus Stieger 2 , Ciarán G Forde 3


Modifying food texture has been shown to influence oral processing behaviour. We explored the impact of food texture on oral processing, bolus formation and post-prandial glucose responses (PPG) among fast and slow eaters.


Male participants (N=39) were split into fast or slow eaters based on natural differences in eating rate when consuming two carbohydrate-equivalent test-meals differing in texture (white rice and rice cake). PPG and satiety responses were compared for fast and slow eaters over 120-min for each test-meal. Each groups test-meal PPG was compared for bolus and saliva properties at the point of swallow.


White rice displayed lower instrumental hardness, chewiness and Young's modulus and was perceived less chewy, springy and sticky than rice cake. Slow eaters (n=24, white rice: 13.3 g/min; rice cake: 15.1 g/min) required an average 42% more chews per bite (p < 0.001), had 60% longer oral exposure time (OET), and consumed both test-meals (p < 0.001) at half the eating rate of fast eaters (n=15). Slow eaters had higher PPG following the rice cake meal at 15 (p = 0.046) and 45 min (p = 0.034) than fast eaters. A longer OET was a positive predictor of early PPG at 30-min after the white rice meal (β = 0.178, p = 0.041) and saliva uptake was a significant predictor (β = 0.458, p = 0.045) of PPG for slow eaters when consuming rice cake. Increasing food hardness and stiffness (Young's modulus) had a greater impact on eating rate for slow eaters than fast eaters.


Eating rate, oral exposure time and bolus saliva uptake were the predictors of an individual's post-prandial glycaemic response amongst slow eaters. Increasing the number of chews per bite with a longer oral exposure time increased saliva uptake in the bolus at the moment of swallowing and enhanced temporal changes in PPG, leading to greater glycaemic peaks in rice cake meal. Differences in eating rate between slow and fast eaters when consuming rice cake meal influenced temporal changes in PPG but not total PPG, and bolus properties did not differ between eating rate groups.




改变食物质地已被证明会影响口腔加工行为。我们探讨了食物质地对快食者和慢食者的口腔处理、食团形成和餐后葡萄糖反应 (PPG) 的影响。


男性参与者(N = 39)根据食用两种质地不同的碳水化合物等效测试餐(白米和年糕)时进食率的自然差异分为快食者或慢食者。对于每顿测试餐,在 120 分钟内比较快食者和慢食者的 PPG 和饱腹感反应。在吞咽时比较每组测试餐 PPG 的食团和唾液特性。


白米显示出较低的仪器硬度、咀嚼性和杨氏模量,并且感觉比年糕的咀嚼性、弹性和粘性都差。慢食者(n=24,白米:13.3 克/分钟;年糕:15.1 克/分钟)每咬一口平均需要多咀嚼 42% ( p < 0.001),口服暴露时间 (OET) 长 60%,并且以快食者 (n=15) 的一半进食率食用两种测试餐 ( p < 0.001)。慢食以下在图15(米饼饭有较高的PPG p  = 0.046)和45分钟(p  = 0.034),比快速食。更长的 OET 是白米餐后 30 分钟早期 PPG 的阳性预测因子(β = 0.178 , p  = 0.041),唾液摄取是一个显着的预测因子(β = 0.458 , p = 0.045) 慢食者在吃年糕时的 PPG。与快食者相比,增加食物硬度和硬度(杨氏模量)对慢食者的进食率影响更大。


进食率、口服暴露时间和大量唾液摄取是慢食者餐后血糖反应的预测因素。随着口服暴露时间的延长,每口咀嚼次数增加,吞咽时食团中的唾液吸收增加,PPG 的时间变化增强,导致年糕粉的血糖峰值更大。吃年糕粉时慢食者和快食者之间的进食率差异影响 PPG 的时间变化,但不影响总 PPG,并且进食率组之间的推注特性没有差异。
