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How Cost Impacts Equitable Participation in Astronomy Outreach Events
Research Notes of the AAS Pub Date : 2021-06-04 , DOI: 10.3847/2515-5172/ac072e
Melanie Archipley 1 , Hannah S. Dalgleish 2

The International Astronomical Youth Camp (IAYC) is an astronomy education outreach event with more than 50 yr of history and over 1700 unique participants from 81 nationalities. The International Workshop for Astronomy e.V. is the non-profit organization behind the IAYC, established in 1979 and based in Germany. The IAYC’s unprecedented longevity in a rapidly globalizing world has meant that financial inequities decreases the reach of the camp to people from the Global South compared to Global North countries. Though nationalities represented per camp has increased steadily since its inception, the share of participants from eastern Europe and Africa has dropped, while those from western Europe and North America have increased. This note examines how camp cost, location, and leadership affects nationality diversity among participants, and how astronomy outreach events must reckon with funding for less privileged participants with limited access to resources.



国际天文学青年营 (IAYC) 是一项天文学教育外展活动,已有 50 多年的历史,有来自 81 个国家的 1700 多名独特参与者。国际天文学研讨会 eV 是 IAYC 背后的非营利组织,成立于 1979 年,总部设在德国。IAYC 在快速全球化的世界中史无前例的长寿意味着与全球北方国家相比,金融不平等减少了营地对全球南方人民的影响。尽管每个营地代表的国籍自成立以来稳步增加,但来自东欧和非洲的参与者比例有所下降,而来自西欧和北美的参与者比例有所增加。本说明探讨了营地成本、地点和领导力如何影响参与者的国籍多样性,
