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Anatolian-Persian grave stelae from Bozüyük in Phrygia: a contribution to understanding Persian presence and organisation in the region
Anatolian Studies Pub Date : 2021-06-08 , DOI: 10.1017/s0066154621000053
Hüseyin Erpehlivan

This paper provides an assessment of four grave stelae that were found recently in the area surrounding Bozüyük, on the Anatolian plateau in the south of the Bilecik province. The plateau was part of the core of the kingdom of Phrygia during the Early and Middle Iron Ages, and part of the satrapy of Phrygia during the Achaemenid period of the Late Iron Age in Anatolia. The main focus is to examine the place of such stelae among Anatolian-Persian examples and to explore elements of Persian presence and organisation in the region. The precise archaeological contexts of these stelae are unknown, but are likely to have been tumuli. They are examples of an Anatolian-Persian style from the Achaemenid period, but can also be considered to be part of a somewhat rustic 'rural' sub-style, compared with more elaborate stelae that have been found around Dascylium, the satrapal capital of Hellespontine Phrygia. The Bozüyük stelae feature banquet, hunting and ritual scenes, and also battle scenes that distinguish them from other Anatolian-Persian stelae. Despite similarities, particularly with the Vezirhan stele, there are also discrepancies that make precise analogies with reliefs on other stelae difficult, though not impossible. It is likely that they were created by a connected group of sculptors, and might therefore be evidence of a workshop that sculpted local materials in a unique rural style.


来自弗里吉亚 Bozüyük 的安纳托利亚-波斯墓碑:有助于了解波斯在该地区的存在和组织

本文评估了最近在 Bilecik 省南部安纳托利亚高原的 Bozüyük 周围地区发现的四块墓碑。高原是早期和中期铁器时代弗里吉亚王国核心的一部分,也是安纳托利亚晚期铁器时代阿契美尼德时期弗里吉亚省的一部分。主要重点是检查此类石碑在安纳托利亚-波斯示例中的位置,并探索波斯在该地区的存在和组织的要素。这些石碑的确切考古背景尚不清楚,但很可能是坟墓。它们是阿契美尼德时期的安纳托利亚-波斯风格的例子,但也可以被认为是有点质朴的“农村”子风格的一部分,与在 Dascylium 周围发现的更精细的石碑相比,Hellespontine Phrygia 的总督府。Bozüyük 石碑以宴会、狩猎和仪式场景为特色,还有将它们与其他安纳托利亚-波斯石碑区分开来的战斗场景。尽管有相似之处,特别是与 Vezirhan 石碑,但也存在差异,使得与其他石碑上的浮雕进行精确类比变得困难,尽管并非不可能。它们很可能是由一组相互联系的雕塑家创作的,因此可能是一个工作室以独特的乡村风格雕刻当地材料的证据。特别是对于 Vezirhan 石碑,也存在一些差异,这使得与其他石碑上的浮雕进行精确类比变得困难,尽管并非不可能。它们很可能是由一组相互联系的雕塑家创作的,因此可能是一个工作室以独特的乡村风格雕刻当地材料的证据。特别是对于 Vezirhan 石碑,也存在一些差异,这使得与其他石碑上的浮雕进行精确类比变得困难,尽管并非不可能。它们很可能是由一组相互联系的雕塑家创作的,因此可能是一个工作室以独特的乡村风格雕刻当地材料的证据。