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Ti50(d,p)Ti51: Single-neutron energies in theN=29isotones, and theN=32subshell closure
Physical Review C ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-08 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevc.103.064309
L. A. Riley , J. M. Nebel-Crosson , K. T. Macon , G. W. McCann , L. T. Baby , D. Caussyn , P. D. Cottle , J. Esparza , K. Hanselman , K. W. Kemper , E. Temanson , I. Wiedenhöver

A measurement of the Ti50(d,p)Ti51 reaction at 16 MeV was performed using the Super Enge Split-Pole Spectrograph to measure the magnitude of the N=32 subshell gap in Ti. Seven states were observed that had not been observed in previous (d,p) measurements, and the L transfer values for six previously measured states were either changed or measured for the first time. The results were used to determine single neutron energies for the p3/2, p1/2, and f5/2 orbitals. The resulting single neutron energies in Ti51 confirm the existence of the N=32 gap in Ti. These single neutron energies and those from previous measurements in Ca49, Cr53, and Fe55 are compared to values from a covariant density functional theory calculation.


Ti50(d,p)Ti51:N=29isotones 和 N=32subshel​​l 闭合中的单中子能量

的测量 50(d,)51 使用 Super Enge Split-Pole Spectrograph 在 16 MeV 下进行反应以测量 N=32Ti中的子壳间隙。观察到了以前没有观察到的七个状态(d,) 测量值,以及 六个先前测量的状态的传递值被更改或首次测量。结果用于确定单个中子能量3/2, 1/2, 和 F5/2轨道。由此产生的单个中子能量51 确认存在 N=32Ti 的间隙。这些单一的中子能量和之前测量的那些49, 53, 和 55 与来自协变密度泛函理论计算的值进行比较。