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Child homicides in Romania, Bucharest 2005-2015
The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology ( IF 1.125 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-07 , DOI: 10.1080/14789949.2021.1925729
Heidi Stöckl 1 , Ecaterina Balica 2


Child homicide is a rare but nevertheless tragic event with serious effects on families and the community. The study focuses on investigating the prevalence and circumstances of child homicide in Bucharest. It draws on data from the General Department of Bucharest Police Homicide Division and a systematic online search of news outlets in the years 2005 to 2015. The information available included the victim’s and offender’s name, their age, relationship and occupation and the modus operandi. This information was used to identify news reports that complement the police data. In total, 15 homicides of children were identified to have been committed in Bucharest. All homicides were identified from police records and for seven homicides additional information from the news media was available. Of these 15 child homicides, ten were infanticides, a murder of a child 10 month old, one of a 4 years old and two were adolescents. Three children were female. The child’s mother committed the homicides in the majority of the cases, other perpetrators included grandmothers and acquaintances. For five of the homicides the perpetrator victim relationship was unknown. This study contributed to the gap of knowledge on child homicides by describing child homicides occurring in Bucharest.


罗马尼亚的儿童凶杀案,布加勒斯特 2005-2015


儿童凶杀是一种罕见但仍然是悲惨的事件,对家庭和社区造成严重影响。该研究的重点是调查布加勒斯特儿童凶杀案的流行情况和情况。它利用了布加勒斯特警察凶杀司总局的数据以及 2005 年至 2015 年对新闻媒体的系统在线搜索。可用信息包括受害者和罪犯的姓名、他们的年龄、关系和职业以及作案手法。该信息用于识别补充警方数据的新闻报道。在布加勒斯特,共发现 15 起儿童凶杀案。所有凶杀案都是从警方记录中查明的,并且可以从新闻媒体获得关于七起凶杀案的更多信息。在这 15 起儿童凶杀案中,有 10 起是杀婴案,谋杀一名 10 个月大的儿童,其中一名 4 岁,两名青少年。三个孩子都是女性。在大多数情况下,孩子的母亲犯下了谋杀罪,其他肇事者包括祖母和熟人。对于其中五起凶杀案,肇事者与受害者的关系是未知的。本研究通过描述发生在布加勒斯特的儿童凶杀案来弥补关于儿童凶杀案的知识差距。
