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Disruptions and an Event Horizon for Music Teacher Education
Journal of Music Teacher Education Pub Date : 2021-06-08 , DOI: 10.1177/10570837211022421
James R. Austin 1

Hope springs eternal as the pandemic shows signs of easing in the United States. Despite evidence of vaccine hesitancy in certain regions of the country, vaccine availability is increasing and almost one-half of Americans have received at least one dose, with over one-third now fully vaccinated. While we have some distance to go to achieve the much-ballyhooed herd immunity, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention just approved the Pfizer vaccine for children ages 12 to 15 years and loosened masking and distancing recommendations for those who are fully vaccinated.



随着大流行在美国出现缓和迹象,希望永远涌现。尽管有证据表明该国某些地区对疫苗犹豫不决,但疫苗的供应量正在增加,几乎一半的美国人至少接种了一剂疫苗,超过三分之一的人现在已完全接种疫苗。虽然我们距离实现大肆宣传的群体免疫还有一段距离,但美国疾病控制与预防中心刚刚批准了辉瑞疫苗,适用于 12 至 15 岁的儿童,并放宽了对那些完全接种疫苗的人的掩蔽和疏远建议。