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Sampling based path planning algorithm for UAV collision avoidance
Sādhanā ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s12046-021-01642-z
A Saravanakumar , A Kaviyarasu , R Ashly Jasmine

Path planning of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) avoiding collisions with moving obstacles or other UAVs in motion, is one of the key functions to fulfill their mission. The current work is focused on the development of sampling-based path planning methods for UAV. Under this method, standard Rapidly exploring Random Tree algorithm (RRT) is chosen, but RRT algorithm faces some limitations. Thus few developments were made in RRT by simplifying the node connection strategy, to generate feasible path satisfying the operating environment constraints dictated. Simplified node connecting strategy as Modified RRT (MRRT) and collision avoidance using reachable sets is developed to avoid collisions along the path. It is demonstrated in the python window using Python software. The proposed algorithm can develop a path in a short time duration and guides the vehicle to bypass the obstacles to avoid collision.



无人驾驶飞行器 (UAV) 的路径规划避免与移动障碍物或其他运动中的无人机发生碰撞,是完成其任务的关键功能之一。目前的工作重点是开发基于采样的无人机路径规划方法。在这种方法下,选择了标准的快速探索随机树算法(RRT),但RRT算法面临一些限制。因此,通过简化节点连接策略来生成满足指定操作环境约束的可行路径,在 RRT 中进行的开发很少。开发了简化的节点连接策略,如 Modified RRT (MRRT) 和使用可达集的碰撞避免,以避免沿路径发生碰撞。使用 Python 软件在 python 窗口中进行演示。
