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Perceptions of neighborhood change in a Latinx transit corridor
Journal of Transport Geography ( IF 5.899 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2021.103097
Douglas Houston , Michelle E. Zuñiga

Understanding how nearby residents feel about transit-induced neighborhood change remains understudied despite growing concerns over displacement and gentrification. This study analyzed 329 surveys of resident perceptions of neighborhood change and associated development near an existing commuter rail station and a planned streetcar route in Santa Ana, California, a largely low-income, Latinx community. We found residents were on average satisfied with neighborhood access to transport and amenities, and that higher neighborhood satisfaction was associated with a more positive assessment of development and neighborhood change. Living near the streetcar route was associated with more negative assessments of change, reflecting residents of these areas had heightened concerns about housing costs, displacement, and parking. Results provide planners with insights regarding support for and concerns about transit-induced neighborhood changes that can help foster more equitable and responsive development processes and outcomes.



尽管人们越来越担心流离失所和高档化,但了解附近居民对交通引起的社区变化的看法仍未得到充分研究。这项研究分析了 329 项关于居民对现有通勤火车站附近以及加利福尼亚州圣安娜(一个主要是低收入拉丁裔社区)的有轨电车路线附近社区变化和相关开发的看法的调查。我们发现居民平均对社区交通和便利设施感到满意,较高的社区满意度与对发展和社区变化的更积极评估相关。住在有轨电车路线附近对变化的负面评估更多,反映出这些地区的居民对住房成本、流离失所和停车的担忧加剧。
