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Unearthing Ambiguities: Post-Genocide Justice in Raoul Peck’s Sometimes in April and the ICTR case Nahimana et al.
International Journal of Transitional Justice ( IF 1.758 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-16 , DOI: 10.1093/ijtj/ijab008
Anna Katila

This article examines Raoul Peck’s portrayal of post-genocide justice in Rwanda in his film Sometimes in April (2005). The film, which depicts the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi and its aftermath a decade later, resonates with the ICTR case Prosecutor v. Nahimana et al. with its focus on hate speech as genocide. The shared questions connect the two distinct narrative forms that are part of the global social discourse on Rwanda, allowing them to be analysed side by side. Building upon close readings, this article asks: Who is guilty and what counts as a crime? What kind of impact do justice mechanisms have? Whose interests does the ICTR serve? Extending interdisciplinary research on Rwanda across law and cultural studies, I argue that analysing Sometimes in April helps unearth ambiguities within and surrounding the ICTR. Peck’s film and the legal case together communicate a rounded understanding of post-genocide justice to outside audiences, as it is experienced or perceived from local and international perspectives.


挖掘歧义:Raoul Peck 的“有时在四月”中的种族灭绝后正义和 ICTR 案件 Nahimana 等人。

本文探讨了拉乌尔·派克在他的电影“有时在四月”(2005 年)中对卢旺达种族灭绝后正义的描绘。这部电影描绘了 1994 年针对图西人的种族灭绝及其十年后的后果,与 ICTR 的检察官诉 Nahimana 等人案产生了共鸣。将仇恨言论视为种族灭绝。共同的问题将作为卢旺达全球社会话语一部分的两种不同的叙述形式联系起来,使它们能够被并排分析。在仔细阅读的基础上,本文提出:谁有罪,什么算犯罪?司法机制有什么样的影响?ICTR 服务于谁的利益?我将卢旺达的跨学科研究扩展到法律和文化研究,我认为分析有时在四月有助于发现 ICTR 内部和周围的模棱两可。