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Prehispanic Highland Textile Technologies: A View from the First Millennium AD at Hualcayán, Ancash, Peru
Latin American Antiquity ( IF 1.245 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-04 , DOI: 10.1017/laq.2021.30
M. Elizabeth Grávalos , Rebecca E. Bria

The exceptional preservation of perishable artifacts on the arid west coast of the Andes has led to an abundance of knowledge on prehispanic textile production. Yet comparatively little of this knowledge is based on highland examples due to their poor preservation in the moist environment of the Andean sierra. Systematic excavations in 2011–2012 at the archaeological complex of Hualcayán in highland Ancash, Peru, revealed surprisingly well-preserved textiles and cordage from four partially looted machay-style tombs. In this article we provide an overview of textile forms, production techniques, and iconography from a sample of 292 textile and cordage fragments, equaling 20% of Hualcayán's assemblage. This work contributes to a better understanding of ancient Andean weaving in general and interregional interaction during the Early Intermediate period and Middle Horizon (ca. AD 1–1000) in particular. Significantly, we document variability in cotton yarn and a general uniformity in camelid yarn and weaving techniques in the overall sample. These findings, in combination with similarities in weaving techniques and style between coastal examples and Hualcayán's fabrics, suggest a coastal–highland relationship.



安第斯山脉干旱的西海岸对易腐烂文物的特殊保存导致了对西班牙前纺织品生产的丰富知识。然而,由于高地在安第斯山脉潮湿的环境中保存不善,这些知识中相对较少是基于高地的例子。2011 年至 2012 年在秘鲁安卡什高地瓦尔卡扬考古遗址的系统挖掘发现,四件部分被掠夺的纺织品和绳索保存完好,令人惊讶马赛式墓葬。在本文中,我们从 292 个纺织品和绳索碎片样本中概述了纺织品形式、生产技术和图像学,相当于华尔卡扬组合的 20%。这项工作有助于更好地理解古代安第斯编织的总体情况以及早期中期和中期地平线(约公元 1-1000 年)特别是区域间的相互作用。值得注意的是,我们记录了整个样本中棉纱的可变性以及骆驼纱和编织技术的普遍一致性。这些发现,再加上沿海示例和华尔卡扬织物在编织技术和风格上的相似性,表明了沿海与高地的关系。