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Forging Polity in Times of International Class War: The Parliamentary Rhetoric on Labour in the First Polish Diet, 1919–1922
International Review of Social History ( IF 0.700 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-04 , DOI: 10.1017/s0020859021000274
Wiktor Marzec

This article examines the impact of internal and external pressures on the parliamentary debate concerning the place of the working class within a newly emerging polity. Based on machine-assisted distant reading and close hermeneutics of parliamentary session transcripts, I ask how the first diet of the modern Polish state (1919–1922) responded to labour militancy and war. My analysis demonstrates that social unrest was successfully used by the left to foster inclusion of the popular classes in a political, social, and economic sense, contributing to the democratization of the state. In contrast, the external threat of war had an opposite effect. Although it justified the left advocating greater inclusion of workers and peasants because of their high death toll on the battlefields, it was actually the right that capitalized on national unity and readily used arguments about the Bolshevik threat or traitors among the landless masses to block or even reverse reforms aimed at democratization. The external threat of war, waged against a nominally leftist political force, helped the weak state to reduce the high impact of labour unrest on parliamentary proceedings.


在国际阶级战争时期打造政体:1919-1922 年波兰第一届国会关于劳工的议会言论

本文考察了内部和外部压力对关于工人阶级在新兴政体中的地位的议会辩论的影响。基于机器辅助的远程阅读和对议会会议记录的近距离解释,我询问现代波兰国家(1919-1922 年)的第一个饮食如何应对劳工激进主义和战争。我的分析表明,左派成功地利用社会动荡来促进大众阶级在政治、社会和经济意义上的包容,从而促进了国家的民主化。相比之下,战争的外部威胁产生了相反的效果。尽管它证明了左派主张更多地包容工人和农民,因为他们在战场上的死亡人数很高,实际上,正是这种权利利用了民族团结,并轻易地利用关于布尔什维克威胁或无地群众中的叛徒的论点来阻止甚至逆转旨在实现民主化的改革。对名义上的左翼政治力量发动的外部战争威胁帮助弱国减少了劳工骚乱对议会程序的严重影响。