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The Ethics of Teaching Rhetorical Intertextuality
Journal of Academic Ethics Pub Date : 2021-06-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s10805-021-09424-2
Rebecca Moore Howard , Sandra Jamieson

Three approaches to intertextual writing are available to college instructors: mechanical, ethical, and rhetorical. The mechanical approach, a staple of writing instruction, teaches the use of citation styles such as MLA or APA; methods of citing sources; and the conventions of quotation. The ethical approach is primarily concerned with the character of individual writers and their adherence to community standards categorized as “academic integrity.” The great majority of source-based writing instruction attends to one or both of these approaches. A third approach, rhetorical intertextuality, is overshadowed by the ethical concerns that currently permeate educational institutions. Rhetorical intertextuality does promote textual ethics, but in a positive way, through instruction in building meaning in a target text through collaboration with source texts. Rhetorical intertextuality brings the source texts themselves to life (rather than merely mining them for information) and aims to engage the audience in a conversation with target text and source texts. Drawing on Citation Project data, we advocate instruction in intertextual writing that hails students as authors, not transgressors. Rhetorical intertextuality can provide a positive frame for college instruction in intertextual writing, one that facilitates deep engagement with texts; intellectual approaches to paraphrasing and summarizing; and an emphasis on the rhetorical choices that writers make as they encounter and respond to the ideas of others. The objective of such instruction is a dialogic interface between writer, audience, and sources—a conversation.



大学教师可以使用三种互文写作方法:机械的伦理的修辞的。机械方法是写作指导的主要内容,教授引用风格的使用,例如 MLA 或 APA;引用来源的方法;和引用的约定。道德方法主要关注个体作家的性格以及他们对归类为“学术诚信”的社区标准的遵守情况。绝大多数基于源的写作教学都关注这些方法中的一种或两种。第三种方法,修辞互文性,被目前渗透到教育机构的道德问题所掩盖。修辞互文性确实促进了文本伦理,但以一种积极的方式,通过与源文本合作在目标文本中构建意义的指导。修辞互文性使源文本本身栩栩如生(而不仅仅是挖掘它们以获取信息),并旨在让受众参与与目标文本和源文本的对话。利用 Citation Project 数据,我们提倡互文写作教学,将学生称为作者,而不是违规者。修辞互文性可以为互文写作的大学教学提供积极的框架,促进与文本的深度接触;释义和总结的智力方法;并强调作家在遇到和回应他人的想法时所做的修辞选择。这种指导的目标是作者、观众和来源之间的对话界面——对话。
