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Identities and Relationships: Black and Latina Adolescent girls in Sport-Based Youth Development Programs
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal ( IF 1.744 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s10560-021-00775-8
Nneka A. Arinze , Jennifer E. McGarry

Sport-based youth development (SBYD) programs serve as important sites to increase Black and Latina adolescent girls’ opportunities for sport and physical activity participation and potential engagement in group social work interventions. However, more research is needed that explores what drives girls’ participation and experiences in such programs. Given the importance of peer support in shaping adolescent girls’ participation in sport and physical activity, research should focus on the role of peers in Black and Latina adolescent girls’ experiences in SBYD. We propose a model for scholarship, weaving together SBYD with intersectionality, the framework of peer experiences, and the model of the peer influence process. Combining multiple frameworks accounts for sociocultural and developmental contexts and how they may shape experiences and engagement in SBYD programming. We encourage social work researchers to consider the combination of frameworks we propose in order to guide their inquiry. Ultimately, we believe scholars should engage directly with Black and Latina adolescent girls, using participatory research methods, to better understand their experiences in order to improve their opportunities. Social work researchers should seek not only to disrupt disparities in behavioral outcomes for Black and Latina adolescent girls, but also to provide solutions that address the root issues for the disparities.



基于运动的青年发展 (SBYD) 计划是增加黑人和拉丁裔少女参与体育和体育活动以及潜在参与团体社会工作干预的机会的重要场所。然而,需要更多的研究来探索是什么推动了女孩参与此类项目并获得了体验。鉴于同伴支持在塑造少女参与体育和体育活动方面的重要性,研究应侧重于同伴在黑人和拉丁裔少女在 SBYD 中的作用。我们提出了一个奖学金模型,将 SBYD 与交叉性、同伴体验框架和同伴影响过程模型编织在一起。结合多个框架说明了社会文化和发展背景,以及它们如何塑造 SBYD 计划的经验和参与度。我们鼓励社会工作研究人员考虑我们提出的框架组合,以指导他们的调查。最终,我们认为学者应该使用参与式研究方法直接与黑人和拉丁裔少女接触,以更好地了解她们的经历,以增加她们的机会。社会工作研究人员不仅应寻求打破黑人和拉丁裔少女在行为结果上的差异,而且还应寻求解决这些差异的根本问题的解决方案。我们认为,学者应该使用参与式研究方法直接与黑人和拉丁裔少女接触,以更好地了解她们的经历,以增加她们的机会。社会工作研究人员不仅应寻求打破黑人和拉丁裔少女在行为结果上的差异,而且还应寻求解决这些差异的根本问题的解决方案。我们认为,学者应该使用参与式研究方法直接与黑人和拉丁裔少女接触,以更好地了解她们的经历,以增加她们的机会。社会工作研究人员不仅应该寻求打破黑人和拉丁裔少女在行为结果上的差异,而且还应该提供解决差异的根本问题的解决方案。
