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Satisfaction and Consumption Emotions of Library Users at a Public University in Mexico: A Case Study
Libri ( IF 0.667 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-01 , DOI: 10.1515/libri-2020-0002
Blanca-Lidia Miranda-Valencia 1

Consumption emotions are not always considered when satisfaction with library services is assessed. In this research, consumption emotions perceived by users of eight different libraries of a Mexican higher education institution are identified when using library services. Laros and Steenkamp. 2005. “Emotions in Consumer Behavior: A Hierarchical Approach.” Journal of Business Research 58: 1437–45. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2003.09.013 hierarchical scale was used to assess library users’ consumption emotions. The relationship between those emotions and the users’ satisfaction is then established and analyzed using both descriptive statistics analysis and an entropy-oriented machine learning approach. The first approach suggests that users feel more positive consumption emotions (contentment and happiness) than negative emotions (anger). The entropy analysis shows that the identified consumption emotions have a great prediction power over the satisfaction level that users will manifest. This research contributes to the issue of satisfaction assessment by including library users’ consumption emotions in Mexico.



在评估对图书馆服务的满意度时,并不总是考虑消费情绪。在这项研究中,确定了墨西哥高等教育机构八个不同图书馆用户在使用图书馆服务时感知的消费情绪。拉罗斯和斯滕坎普。2005 年。“消费者行为中的情绪:分层方法。” 商业研究杂志 58:1437-45。https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2003.09.013 分层量表用于评估图书馆用户的消费情绪。然后使用描述性统计分析和面向熵的机器学习方法建立和分析这些情绪与用户满意度之间的关系。第一种方法表明,用户感受到的积极消费情绪(满足和快乐)多于消极情绪(愤怒)。熵分析表明,识别出的消费情绪对用户将表现出的满意度有很大的预测能力。本研究通过将墨西哥图书馆用户的消费情绪纳入其中来解决满意度评估问题。