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Factors associated with alcohol and tobacco consumption as a coping strategy to deal with the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic and lockdown in Spain
Addictive Behaviors ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2021.107003
Clara Martínez-Cao 1 , Lorena de la Fuente-Tomás 2 , Isabel Menéndez-Miranda 3 , Ángela Velasco 2 , Paula Zurrón-Madera 3 , Leticia García-Álvarez 4 , Pilar A Sáiz 5 , María Paz Garcia-Portilla 5 , Julio Bobes 5


To provide a population-based characterization of sociodemographic and clinical risk and protective factors associated with consumption of alcohol, tobacco, or both as a coping strategy in a sample of the Spanish general population during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Cross-sectional study based on an online snowball recruiting questionnaire. The survey consisted of an ad hoc questionnaire comprising clinical and sociodemographic information and the Spanish versions of the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21) and the Impact of Event Scale (IES).


The final sample included 21,207 individuals [mean age (SD) = 39.7 (14.0); females: 14,768 (69.6%)]. Up to 2867 (13.5%) of participants reported using alcohol, 2545 (12%) tobacco and 1384 (6.5%) both substances as a strategy to cope with the pandemic. Sex-related factors were associated with alcohol consumption as a coping strategy [female, OR = 0.600, p < 0.001]. However, education level, work status, and income played different roles depending on the substance used to cope. Having a current mental disorder was associated only with tobacco consumption as a coping strategy [OR = 1.391, p < 0.001]. Finally, sex differences were also identified.


Sociodemographic, clinical, and psychological factors were associated with consumption of alcohol, tobacco, or both as a coping method for the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown. Our findings may help develop specific intervention programs reflecting sex differences, which could minimize negative long-term outcomes of substance use after this pandemic.


与酒精和烟草消费相关的因素作为应对西班牙冠状病毒病 (COVID-19) 大流行和封锁的应对策略


在 COVID-19 大流行的早期阶段,提供与酒精、烟草或两者的消费相关的社会人口学和临床风险以及保护因素的基于人群的特征,作为西班牙普通人群样本的应对策略。


基于在线滚雪球招聘问卷的横断面研究。该调查包括一份临时问卷,其中包含临床和社会人口学信息以及西班牙语版本的抑郁、焦虑和压力量表 (DASS-21) 以及事件影响量表 (IES)。


最终样本包括 21,207 人 [平均年龄 (SD) = 39.7 (14.0);女性:14,768 (69.6%)]。多达 2867 名 (13.5%) 的参与者报告使用酒精、2545 名 (12%) 烟草和 1384 名 (6.5%) 这两种物质作为应对大流行的策略。性别相关因素与作为应对策略的饮酒有关 [女性,OR = 0.600,p < 0.001]。然而,教育水平、工作状况和收入根据用于应对的物质发挥不同的作用。目前患有精神障碍仅与作为应对策略的烟草消费有关 [OR = 1.391,p < 0.001]。最后,还确定了性别差异。


社会人口学、临床和心理因素与酒精、烟草或两者的消费有关,作为 COVID-19 大流行和封锁的应对方法。我们的研究结果可能有助于制定反映性别差异的具体干预计划,这可以最大限度地减少这次大流行后物质使用的负面长期后果。
