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Seed longevity and germination in response to changing drought and heat conditions on four populations of the invasive weed African Lovegrass (Eragrostis curvula)
Weed Science ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-20 , DOI: 10.1017/wsc.2021.28
Jason Roberts , Singarayer Florentine , Eddie van Etten , Christopher Turville

African lovegrass [Eragrostis curvula (Schrad.) Nees] is an invasive weed that is threatening biodiversity around the world and will continue to do so unless its efficient management is achieved. Consequently, laboratory and field-based experiments were performed to analyse several measures of germination to determine the effect of drought stress, radiant heat stress and burial depth and duration (longevity) on E. curvula seeds. This study investigated seeds from four spatially varied populations across Australia: Maffra and Shepparton, Victoria; Tenterfield, New South Wales; and Midvale, Western Australia. Results showed that increasing drought stress reduced and slowed germination for all populations. Maffra (24% vs. 83%) and Shepparton (41% vs. 74%) were reduced at the osmotic potential of ≤-0.4 MPa, whilst Tenterfield (35% vs. 98.6%) and Midvale (32% vs. 91%) were reduced at ≤-0.6 MPa, compared to the mean of all other osmotic potentials. Radiant heat at 100 C significantly reduced and slowed germination compared to 40 C for Tenterfield (62% vs. 100%), Shepparton (15% vs. 89%) and Midvale (41% vs. 100%); whilst Maffra (75% vs. 86%) had consistent germination. For the effect of burial depth and duration (longevity), there was no significant difference across the fourteen-month period, however, the 0 cm burial depth had a significantly lower final germination percentage compared to depths of 3, 5 and 10 cm (24% vs. 55%). Although each trial was conducted independently, their results can be used to help identify efficient control measures to reduce infesting populations. Such measures recommended include using soil moisture monitoring to detect which conditions will promote germination, as germination is encouraged when the osmotic potential is >-0.6 MPa; exposing seeds to radiant heat (>100 C) using methods such as prescribed burning; and limiting soil disturbance over time to reduce seed establishment.


四种入侵杂草非洲洛夫草 (Eragrostis curvula) 的种子寿命和发芽响应干旱和高温条件的变化

非洲爱情草 [画眉草(Schrad.) Nees] 是一种入侵性杂草,它正在威胁世界各地的生物多样性,除非实现有效管理,否则这种情况将继续存在。因此,进行了实验室和现场实验,以分析几种发芽措施,以确定干旱胁迫、辐射热胁迫和埋藏深度和持续时间(寿命)对E. curvula种子。这项研究调查了来自澳大利亚四个空间不同种群的种子:维多利亚州的 Maffra 和 Shepparton;新南威尔士州坦特菲尔德;和西澳大利亚的米德维尔。结果表明,增加的干旱胁迫减少并减缓了所有种群的发芽。Maffra (24% vs. 83%) 和 Shepparton (41% vs. 74%) 在 ≤-0.4 MPa 的渗透势下降低,而 Tenterfield (35% vs. 98.6%) 和 Midvale (32% vs. 91%) ) 在 ≤-0.6 MPa 时降低,与所有其他渗透势的平均值相比。与 40 C 相比,Tenterfield (62% vs. 100%)、Shepparton (15% vs. 89%) 和 Midvale (41% vs. 100%) 的辐射热在 100 C 下显着减少和减缓发芽;而 Maffra(75% 对 86%)的发芽率始终如一。对于埋藏深度和持续时间(长寿)的影响,在 14 个月期间没有显着差异,但是,与 3、5 和 10 厘米深度相比,0 厘米埋深的最终发芽率显着降低(24% 对 55%)。尽管每项试验都是独立进行的,但它们的结果可用于帮助确定有效的控制措施,以减少感染人群。推荐的这些措施包括使用土壤湿度监测来检测哪些条件会促进发芽,因为当渗透势>-0.6 MPa 时会鼓励发芽;使用规定的燃烧等方法将种子暴露在辐射热(>100 C)下;随着时间的推移限制土壤扰动以减少种子的形成。5 和 10 厘米(24% 对 55%)。尽管每项试验都是独立进行的,但它们的结果可用于帮助确定有效的控制措施,以减少感染人群。推荐的这些措施包括使用土壤湿度监测来检测哪些条件会促进发芽,因为当渗透势>-0.6 MPa 时会鼓励发芽;使用规定的燃烧等方法将种子暴露在辐射热(>100 C)下;随着时间的推移限制土壤扰动以减少种子的形成。5 和 10 厘米(24% 对 55%)。尽管每项试验都是独立进行的,但它们的结果可用于帮助确定有效的控制措施,以减少感染人群。推荐的这些措施包括使用土壤湿度监测来检测哪些条件会促进发芽,因为当渗透势>-0.6 MPa 时会鼓励发芽;使用规定的燃烧等方法将种子暴露在辐射热(>100 C)下;随着时间的推移限制土壤扰动以减少种子的形成。当渗透势>-0.6 MPa 时,促进发芽;使用规定的燃烧等方法将种子暴露在辐射热(>100 C)下;随着时间的推移限制土壤扰动以减少种子的形成。当渗透势>-0.6 MPa 时,促进发芽;使用规定的燃烧等方法将种子暴露在辐射热(>100 C)下;随着时间的推移限制土壤扰动以减少种子的形成。