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Complex analysis of the middle-latitude ionosphere parameters during the geomagnetic storm at Jan, 20, 2010 based on the DEMETER satellite data analysed using DIAS Software
Annales Geophysicae ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-03 , DOI: 10.5194/angeo-2021-30
Anatoliy Lozbin , Viktor Fedun , Olga Kryakunova

Abstract. In the Institute of Space Techniques and Technologies of the National Center of Space Research and Technology (Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan) the DIAS (Detection of Ionosphere Anomalies Software) was developed and used for scientific research. The software was designed for ionosphere anomalies detection, identifying and analyzing from satellite spectral and wave data from scientific payload installed on the DEMETER spacecraft. The main task of DIAS Software is to provide the researcher with a convenient tool for detection and identifying of the sources of electromagnetic radiation, disturbances of the ionic and electronic component of the ionosphere, and other ionosphere parameters from satellite data. Using this Software, a complex research of the state of the medium-latitude ionosphere during a geomagnetic storm on January 10, 2010 was done. Processing and analysis of the electric and magnetic components of the field in ULF, ELF and VLF band is carried out; as well as temperature, velocity and density of ionic and electronic plasma components and fluxes of energetic electrons at satel lite altitude during a storm.



摘要。国家空间研究与技术中心(哈萨克斯坦共和国阿拉木图)的空间技术研究所开发了 DIAS(电离层异常检测软件)并用于科学研究。该软件专为电离层异常检测、识别和分析来自安装在 DEMETER 航天器上的科学有效载荷的卫星光谱和波数据而设计。DIAS 软件的主要任务是为研究人员提供一个方便的工具,用于从卫星数据中检测和识别电磁辐射源、电离层的离子和电子成分的干扰以及其他电离层参数。使用该软件,对 2010 年 1 月 10 日地磁风暴期间中纬度电离层的状态进行了复杂的研究。对超低频、极低频和超低频频段场的电磁分量进行处理和分析;以及风暴期间卫星高度上离子和电子等离子体成分的温度、速度和密度以及高能电子的通量。