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Impact of Source and Method of Potassium Application on Dry Matter Accumulation and Partitioning of Potassium in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s42729-021-00518-9
Arnab Kundu , Priyankar Raha , Akhila Nand Dubey

The experiment was carried out to assess dry matter accumulation and potassium partitioning in submerged rice upon application of three organic potassium salts, viz., potassium citrate (KC), potassium gluconate (KG), and potassium humate (KH), and inorganic salt, potassium sulfate (KS). Treatments included recommended dose of potassium (RDF-K, 60 kg ha−1) via foliar or soil application of KS, alone or in combination with foliar application of three organic potassium salts (KC, KG, and KH), in three split doses at three rice phenological stages, viz., tillering, panicle initiation, and early flowering. Solely foliar application of organic K salts resulted in 76% K uptake in rice straw compared with 13% K uptake in grain, which diminished internal use efficiency (IUE) and partial factor productivity (PFP) of K. Conjoint application of KS (half of RDF-K as soil application) and KH (half of RDF-K as foliar spraying) obtained highest grain K accumulation and significantly enhanced IUE and PFP of K. KH performed best among the different K salts used and significantly enhanced root dry matter which resulted in significantly highest grain N and P uptake. This study confirmed that organic salts of K altered dry matter and K partitioning, and soil application of KS (half of RDF-K) in combination with foliar application of KH (half of RDF-K) at three growth stages elevated K utilization efficiency of submerged rice.


施钾来源和施钾方法对水稻(Oryza sativa L.)钾的干物质积累和分配的影响

本试验旨在评估施用三种有机钾盐,即柠檬酸钾 (KC)、葡萄糖酸钾 (KG) 和腐植酸钾 (KH) 以及无机盐后沉水水稻的干物质积累和钾分配,硫酸钾(KS)。处理包括推荐剂量的钾(RDF-K,60 kg ha -1) 通过叶面或土壤施用 KS,单独或结合叶面施用三种有机钾盐(KC、KG 和 KH),在三个水稻物候阶段分三次分次施用,即分蘖、穗开始和早期开花。仅叶面喷施有机钾盐导致稻草对钾的吸收率为 76%,而在谷物中的吸收率为 13%,这降低了钾的内部利用效率 (IUE) 和部分要素生产率 (PFP​​)。 RDF-K 作为土壤施用)和 KH(RDF-K 的一半作为叶面喷洒)获得了最高的籽粒钾积累并显着提高了钾的 IUE 和 PFP。KH 在使用的​​不同钾盐中表现最好,并显着提高了根干物质,导致在显着最高的谷物 N 和 P 吸收。
