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Civic dimensions of critical digital literacies: towards an abolitionist lens
Pedagogies: An International Journal Pub Date : 2021-06-02 , DOI: 10.1080/1554480x.2021.1914058
Antero Garcia 1 , Roberto Santiago de Roock 2


This paper analyzes the role of digital and civic literacies in the context of resurgent right-wing ethno-nationalism and movements for the abolition of oppressive institutions worldwide. We discuss how, while digital tools have opened up lines of democratized communication and action, civic life online and offline has become both more authoritarian and more polarized. As software platforms like Facebook and Twitter now dominate everyday civic and economic life, media and civic literacy frameworks fail to address this new reality. After overviewing a framework for literacies in current digital and civic contexts, we draw on critical race science and technology studies in order to contest notions of a universal digital or civic subject, and to argue for moving beyond normative progress discourses. Instead, we offer an abolitionist imagination, arguing that classroom approaches to critical digital literacies must draw on abolitionist praxis in order to challenge ways interlocking forms of oppression affect contemporary civic life, both online and offline.




本文分析了数字和公民素养在右翼民族主义和世界范围内废除压迫性制度运动的背景下的作用。我们讨论了当数字工具开辟了民主化的交流和行动路线时,线上和线下的公民生活如何变得更加专制和两极分化。由于像 Facebook 和 Twitter 这样的软件平台现在主导着日常的公民和经济生活,媒体和公民素养框架未能解决这一新现实。在概述当前数字和公民背景下的文学框架之后,我们利用批判性种族科学和技术研究来质疑普遍数字或公民主题的概念,并主张超越规范进步话语。相反,我们提供废奴主义的想象力,
