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Fraternal Networks Of Victorian Norfolk
Family & Community History Pub Date : 2021-06-01 , DOI: 10.1080/14631180.2021.1924457
Daniel Weinbren 1

The social and economic dislocation experienced in Victorian Norfolk during the later nineteenth-century derived from the fall in land and grain prices, declining rental incomes, the spread of cattle disease, imports of cheap grain and its transportation by rail, and tensions between labourers and farmers. In this context, an assessment of one Masonic lodge indicates that Freemasonry provided a space where men might meet to develop trusting strong ties to one another and resolve their conflicts. However, lodge members were increasing isolated from the working-class brethren who were members of other fraternal associations. They found refuge in the Conservative Club, the Masonic lodge and the Church, while poorer men supported the Chapel, friendly societies and Liberalism. The development of weak ties to friendly societies helped to shape those bodies and to provide the Freemasons with an inexpensive and pragmatic means to improve the flow of useful knowledge and promote social harmony.



维多利亚州诺福克在 19 世纪后期经历的社会和经济混乱源于土地和谷物价格的下跌、租金收入的下降、牛病的传播、廉价谷物的进口及其通过铁路运输,以及工人和工人之间的紧张关系。农民。在这种情况下,对一个共济会小屋的评估表明,共济会提供了一个空间,人们可以在这里见面,以建立彼此信任的牢固联系并解决他们的冲突。然而,与其他兄弟会成员的工人阶级兄弟会越来越孤立。他们在保守党俱乐部、共济会会所和教堂找到了避难所,而较贫穷的人则支持礼拜堂、友好协会和自由主义。
